Romance languages are known to be more restrictive than Germanic languages as far as segmental coda-filling is concerned. Moreover, it is also known that within the Romance family some languages have more restrictive constraints ruling coda-filling than others. This paper deals with the specific question of segmental coda-filling in Portuguese. Looking at a large array of different historical phenomena, it is claimed that avoiding any segmental material in coda position corresponds to a very strong tendency of Portuguese phonology which is surfaced under several manifestations. A typological distinction is then proposed here on the basis of the ranking of AVOIDCODA as a prosodic constraint. Such distinction allows not only the differentiati...
Our investigation focuses on several types of structural ambiguity in European Portuguese. The mater...
This dissertation, which is based on the analysis of non-conventional segmentation data produzed by ...
In this paper I deal with vowel reduction in Brazilian Portuguese and other languages, illustrating ...
Romance languages are known to be more restrictive than Germanic languages as far as segmental coda-...
The goal of this paper is to analyze the coda deletion of the segments /R, S, l/ in Santomean Portug...
The Principense Portuguese (PP) is one of the varieties of Portuguese spoken in São Tomé and Príncip...
This study focuses on the prosodic phrasing and intonation of utterances with parentheticals and top...
The article brings the results of a real-time, variable rule analysis (LABOV, 1972, 1994) of the voc...
This chapter describes the nuclear contours and intonational phrasing patterns of the most common se...
This chapter investigates a specific change that took place in the history of Portuguese involving t...
Clitic placement in European Portuguese (EP) differs significantly from that of other Romance langua...
This book explores language variation and change from the perspective of generative syntax, based on...
A análise de regra variável em tempo real (LABOV, 1972, 1994) da vocalização da consoante lateral /l...
The PhD dissertation 'Domínios prosódicos no Português do Brasil: implicações para a prosódia e para...
This dissertation examines syncope in the development of Latin to Hispano-Romance (Spanish and Portu...
Our investigation focuses on several types of structural ambiguity in European Portuguese. The mater...
This dissertation, which is based on the analysis of non-conventional segmentation data produzed by ...
In this paper I deal with vowel reduction in Brazilian Portuguese and other languages, illustrating ...
Romance languages are known to be more restrictive than Germanic languages as far as segmental coda-...
The goal of this paper is to analyze the coda deletion of the segments /R, S, l/ in Santomean Portug...
The Principense Portuguese (PP) is one of the varieties of Portuguese spoken in São Tomé and Príncip...
This study focuses on the prosodic phrasing and intonation of utterances with parentheticals and top...
The article brings the results of a real-time, variable rule analysis (LABOV, 1972, 1994) of the voc...
This chapter describes the nuclear contours and intonational phrasing patterns of the most common se...
This chapter investigates a specific change that took place in the history of Portuguese involving t...
Clitic placement in European Portuguese (EP) differs significantly from that of other Romance langua...
This book explores language variation and change from the perspective of generative syntax, based on...
A análise de regra variável em tempo real (LABOV, 1972, 1994) da vocalização da consoante lateral /l...
The PhD dissertation 'Domínios prosódicos no Português do Brasil: implicações para a prosódia e para...
This dissertation examines syncope in the development of Latin to Hispano-Romance (Spanish and Portu...
Our investigation focuses on several types of structural ambiguity in European Portuguese. The mater...
This dissertation, which is based on the analysis of non-conventional segmentation data produzed by ...
In this paper I deal with vowel reduction in Brazilian Portuguese and other languages, illustrating ...