The pastoral diagnosis is a work that has been done conjointly by Cemagref, CERPAM and INRA-SAD in the National Park of Ecrins. In view of a global management of the alpine pastures, the diagnosis includes the pastoralism, the natural heritage protection (fauna, flora) and the multiple uses. A methodological sequence is proposed. It includes the morphological analysis of the pastoral unit, the estimation of the forage resource, the inventory of the inside and outside constraints of the grazing system, the pastoral aptitude of the sections of grazingland, the present utilisation analysis, and finally the actual diagnosis with management proposals. / Le diagnostic pastoral est un travail mené conjointement pa le Cemagref, le CERPAM, et l'INRA...
L'étude porte sur l'observation du comportement de 2 troupeaux ovins de 950 et 860 têtes sur 2 zones...
International audiencePastoralism is a practice of animal production based on the exclusive or parti...
[Departement_IRSTEA]Territoires [TR1_IRSTEA]DTAM [Axe_IRSTEA]DTAM-QT2-ADAPTATIONInternational audien...
Abstract : With a view to providing help in drawing up contracts relating to the use of mountain pas...
The Prat d'Albis mountain above Foix has been for a long time the object of a particular attention f...
PASTORAL CULTIVATION - FRENCH PASTORAL REGIONS - We shall study successively :A) Where the pastoral ...
La pérennité des alpages à vaches laitières des Alpes du Nord françaises dépend, notamment, d'une bo...
International audiencePastoral farming uses diverse, heterogeneous, and season-specific vegetation f...
International audienceThe European Life+ Program "Mil'Ouv" (standing for MILieux OUVerts/open landsc...
Document réalisé dans le cadre du programme BiodivBalkans et en partenariat avec le programme Life+ ...
Description of practices, basis of a long term range system: milking mode, pasture monitoring mode, ...
La gestion pastorale des milieux naturels nécessite de valoriser des ressources alimentaires et écol...
[Departement_IRSTEA]GT [TR1_IRSTEA]32 - GECOTER / GENIALPThis is a document of transfer of knowledge...
This article is part of a reflexion process with the CERAM and the INRA-SAD aimed at defining a diag...
Two pastoral units (Sanguinière and Col des Champs) situated in the high valley of the river Var and...
L'étude porte sur l'observation du comportement de 2 troupeaux ovins de 950 et 860 têtes sur 2 zones...
International audiencePastoralism is a practice of animal production based on the exclusive or parti...
[Departement_IRSTEA]Territoires [TR1_IRSTEA]DTAM [Axe_IRSTEA]DTAM-QT2-ADAPTATIONInternational audien...
Abstract : With a view to providing help in drawing up contracts relating to the use of mountain pas...
The Prat d'Albis mountain above Foix has been for a long time the object of a particular attention f...
PASTORAL CULTIVATION - FRENCH PASTORAL REGIONS - We shall study successively :A) Where the pastoral ...
La pérennité des alpages à vaches laitières des Alpes du Nord françaises dépend, notamment, d'une bo...
International audiencePastoral farming uses diverse, heterogeneous, and season-specific vegetation f...
International audienceThe European Life+ Program "Mil'Ouv" (standing for MILieux OUVerts/open landsc...
Document réalisé dans le cadre du programme BiodivBalkans et en partenariat avec le programme Life+ ...
Description of practices, basis of a long term range system: milking mode, pasture monitoring mode, ...
La gestion pastorale des milieux naturels nécessite de valoriser des ressources alimentaires et écol...
[Departement_IRSTEA]GT [TR1_IRSTEA]32 - GECOTER / GENIALPThis is a document of transfer of knowledge...
This article is part of a reflexion process with the CERAM and the INRA-SAD aimed at defining a diag...
Two pastoral units (Sanguinière and Col des Champs) situated in the high valley of the river Var and...
L'étude porte sur l'observation du comportement de 2 troupeaux ovins de 950 et 860 têtes sur 2 zones...
International audiencePastoralism is a practice of animal production based on the exclusive or parti...
[Departement_IRSTEA]Territoires [TR1_IRSTEA]DTAM [Axe_IRSTEA]DTAM-QT2-ADAPTATIONInternational audien...