Cartoon shows Lord North, with the "Boston Port Bill" extending from a pocket, forcing tea (the Intolerable Acts) down the throat of a partially draped Native female figure representing "America" whose arms are restrained by Lord Mansfield, while Lord Sandwich, a notorious womanizer, restrains her feet and peeks up her skirt. Britannia, standing behind "America", turns away and shields her face with her left hand.Illus. from: London magazine, v. 43 (1774 May), p. 184.Another copy in: The Royal American magazine, ... Boston : Printed by and for I. Thomas, Vol. I, No. X, (1774 June).Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 5, no. 5226Forms part of: British Cartoon Prints Collectio...