Title from unverified data provided by the National Photo Company on the negatives or negative sleeves.Date from negatives in same range.Caption from caption list: Sect. Daniels leaving the Capitol after testifying before the Senate Committee investigating Naval awards of Medals. With Mr Daniels are Senator Pitman of Nevada, a member of the Committee and his Naval Aids.Gift; Herbert A. French; 1947
Title from unverified data provided by the National Photo Company on the negatives or negative sleev...
Title from unverified data provided by the National Photo Company on the negative or negative sleeve...
Title from unverified data provided by the National Photo Company on the negative or negative sleeve...
Title from unverified data provided by the National Photo Company on the negatives or negative sleev...
Title from unverified data provided by the National Photo Company on the negatives or negative sleev...
Title from unverified data provided by the National Photo Company on the negatives or negative sleev...
Title from unverified data provided by the National Photo Company on the negatives or negative sleev...
Title from unverified data provided by the National Photo Company on the negatives or negative sleev...
Title from unverified data provided by the National Photo Company on the negatives or negative sleev...
Title from unverified data provided by the National Photo Company on the negative or negative sleeve...
Title from unverified data provided by the National Photo Company on the negatives or negative sleev...
Title from unverified data provided by the National Photo Company on the negative or negative sleeve...
Title from unverified data provided by the National Photo Company on the negative or negative sleeve...
Title from unverified data provided by the National Photo Company on the negative or negative sleeve...
Title from unverified data provided by the National Photo Company on the negatives or negative sleev...
Title from unverified data provided by the National Photo Company on the negatives or negative sleev...
Title from unverified data provided by the National Photo Company on the negative or negative sleeve...
Title from unverified data provided by the National Photo Company on the negative or negative sleeve...
Title from unverified data provided by the National Photo Company on the negatives or negative sleev...
Title from unverified data provided by the National Photo Company on the negatives or negative sleev...
Title from unverified data provided by the National Photo Company on the negatives or negative sleev...
Title from unverified data provided by the National Photo Company on the negatives or negative sleev...
Title from unverified data provided by the National Photo Company on the negatives or negative sleev...
Title from unverified data provided by the National Photo Company on the negatives or negative sleev...
Title from unverified data provided by the National Photo Company on the negative or negative sleeve...
Title from unverified data provided by the National Photo Company on the negatives or negative sleev...
Title from unverified data provided by the National Photo Company on the negative or negative sleeve...
Title from unverified data provided by the National Photo Company on the negative or negative sleeve...
Title from unverified data provided by the National Photo Company on the negative or negative sleeve...
Title from unverified data provided by the National Photo Company on the negatives or negative sleev...
Title from unverified data provided by the National Photo Company on the negatives or negative sleev...
Title from unverified data provided by the National Photo Company on the negative or negative sleeve...
Title from unverified data provided by the National Photo Company on the negative or negative sleeve...