Title from: Notes on paintings illustrating the life of Jesus of Nazareth by William Hole, the Matson Photo Service.On slide mount: Hole's "The life of Jesus".On slide mount: The Matson Photo Service.On slide mount: 62.Reproduction of a painting by William Hole.Gift; Episcopal Home; 1978
Title from: Notes on paintings illustrating the life of Jesus of Nazareth by William Hole, the Matso...
Title from: Notes on paintings illustrating the life of Jesus of Nazareth by William Hole, the Matso...
Title from: Notes on paintings illustrating the life of Jesus of Nazareth by William Hole, the Matso...
Title from: Notes on paintings illustrating the life of Jesus of Nazareth by William Hole, the Matso...
Title from: Notes on paintings illustrating the life of Jesus of Nazareth by William Hole, the Matso...
Title from: Notes on paintings illustrating the life of Jesus of Nazareth by William Hole, the Matso...
Title from: Notes on paintings illustrating the life of Jesus of Nazareth by William Hole, the Matso...
Title from: Notes on paintings illustrating the life of Jesus of Nazareth by William Hole, the Matso...
Title from: Notes on paintings illustrating the life of Jesus of Nazareth by William Hole, the Matso...
Title from: Notes on paintings illustrating the life of Jesus of Nazareth by William Hole, the Matso...
Title from: Notes on paintings illustrating the life of Jesus of Nazareth by William Hole, the Matso...
Title from: Notes on paintings illustrating the life of Jesus of Nazareth by William Hole, the Matso...
Title from: Notes on paintings illustrating the life of Jesus of Nazareth by William Hole, the Matso...
Title from: Notes on paintings illustrating the life of Jesus of Nazareth by William Hole, the Matso...
Title from: Notes on paintings illustrating the life of Jesus of Nazareth by William Hole, the Matso...
Title from: Notes on paintings illustrating the life of Jesus of Nazareth by William Hole, the Matso...
Title from: Notes on paintings illustrating the life of Jesus of Nazareth by William Hole, the Matso...
Title from: Notes on paintings illustrating the life of Jesus of Nazareth by William Hole, the Matso...
Title from: Notes on paintings illustrating the life of Jesus of Nazareth by William Hole, the Matso...
Title from: Notes on paintings illustrating the life of Jesus of Nazareth by William Hole, the Matso...
Title from: Notes on paintings illustrating the life of Jesus of Nazareth by William Hole, the Matso...
Title from: Notes on paintings illustrating the life of Jesus of Nazareth by William Hole, the Matso...
Title from: Notes on paintings illustrating the life of Jesus of Nazareth by William Hole, the Matso...
Title from: Notes on paintings illustrating the life of Jesus of Nazareth by William Hole, the Matso...
Title from: Notes on paintings illustrating the life of Jesus of Nazareth by William Hole, the Matso...
Title from: Notes on paintings illustrating the life of Jesus of Nazareth by William Hole, the Matso...
Title from: Notes on paintings illustrating the life of Jesus of Nazareth by William Hole, the Matso...
Title from: Notes on paintings illustrating the life of Jesus of Nazareth by William Hole, the Matso...
Title from: Notes on paintings illustrating the life of Jesus of Nazareth by William Hole, the Matso...
Title from: Notes on paintings illustrating the life of Jesus of Nazareth by William Hole, the Matso...
Title from: Notes on paintings illustrating the life of Jesus of Nazareth by William Hole, the Matso...
Title from: Notes on paintings illustrating the life of Jesus of Nazareth by William Hole, the Matso...
Title from: Notes on paintings illustrating the life of Jesus of Nazareth by William Hole, the Matso...