Title devised by Library staff.Attributed to a group of drawings, formerly bound, referred to as the "Hokusai School sketchbook."Many of the drawings have a small tab of similar paper attached at a later date and numbered in pencil. DLCRestricted access; material extremely fragile; please use online digital image.Forms part of: Japanese prints and drawings (Library of Congress)
Title devised by Library staff.Attributed to a group of drawings, formerly bound, referred to as the...
Title devised by Library staff.Attributed to a group of drawings, formerly bound, referred to as the...
Title devised by Library staff.Attributed to a group of drawings, formerly bound, referred to as the...
Title devised by Library staff.Attributed to a group of drawings, formerly bound, referred to as the...
Title devised by Library staff.Attributed to a group of drawings, formerly bound, referred to as the...
Title devised by Library staff.Attributed to a group of drawings, formerly bound, referred to as the...
Title devised by Library staff.Attributed to a group of drawings, formerly bound, referred to as the...
Title devised by Library staff.Attributed to a group of drawings referred to as the "Hokusai School ...
Title devised by Library staff.Attributed to a group of drawings, formerly bound, referred to as the...
Title devised by Library staff.Attributed to a group of drawings, formerly bound, referred to as the...
Title devised by Library staff.Attributed to a group of drawings, formerly bound, referred to as the...
Title devised by Library staff.Attributed to a group of drawings, formerly bound, referred to as the...
Title devised by Library staff.Attributed to a group of drawings, formerly bound, referred to as the...
Title devised by Library staff.Attributed to a group of drawings, formerly bound, referred to as the...
Title devised by Library staff.Attributed to a group of drawings, formerly bound, referred to as the...
Title devised by Library staff.Attributed to a group of drawings, formerly bound, referred to as the...
Title devised by Library staff.Attributed to a group of drawings, formerly bound, referred to as the...
Title devised by Library staff.Attributed to a group of drawings, formerly bound, referred to as the...
Title devised by Library staff.Attributed to a group of drawings, formerly bound, referred to as the...
Title devised by Library staff.Attributed to a group of drawings, formerly bound, referred to as the...
Title devised by Library staff.Attributed to a group of drawings, formerly bound, referred to as the...
Title devised by Library staff.Attributed to a group of drawings, formerly bound, referred to as the...
Title devised by Library staff.Attributed to a group of drawings referred to as the "Hokusai School ...
Title devised by Library staff.Attributed to a group of drawings, formerly bound, referred to as the...
Title devised by Library staff.Attributed to a group of drawings, formerly bound, referred to as the...
Title devised by Library staff.Attributed to a group of drawings, formerly bound, referred to as the...
Title devised by Library staff.Attributed to a group of drawings, formerly bound, referred to as the...
Title devised by Library staff.Attributed to a group of drawings, formerly bound, referred to as the...
Title devised by Library staff.Attributed to a group of drawings, formerly bound, referred to as the...
Title devised by Library staff.Attributed to a group of drawings, formerly bound, referred to as the...
Title devised by Library staff.Attributed to a group of drawings, formerly bound, referred to as the...
Title devised by Library staff.Attributed to a group of drawings, formerly bound, referred to as the...
Title devised by Library staff.Attributed to a group of drawings, formerly bound, referred to as the...