Title devised by Library staff, other descriptive information compiled by Nichibunken-sponsored Edo print specialists in 2005-06.Chugoku hanga (Chinese) woodblock print.Restricted access; material extremely fragile; please use online digital image.Forms part of: Japanese prints and drawings (Library of Congress)
Title from accompanying material.Restricted access; material extremely fragile; please use online di...
Print shows the Japanese commander, Colonel Awaya, standing with sword raised, leading his troops in...
Print shows a Japanese officer on horseback fighting with many Chinese soldiers near Weihaiwei durin...
Title devised by Library staff, other descriptive information compiled by Nichibunken-sponsored Edo ...
Title devised by Library staff, other descriptive information compiled by Nichibunken-sponsored Edo ...
Print shows Japanese soldiers, using bamboo as a screen, are attacking Chinese troops who appear to ...
Print shows Japanese officers looking at maps and reviewing progress of battle taking place outside ...
Print shows several actors in a battle scene with one warrior defending himself against several atta...
Print shows two men fighting with swords on the roof of a tower.Restricted access; material extremel...
Print shows Japanese soldiers preparing for assault on Russian troops near Haicheng, China, possibly...
Print shows a battle scene along the coastline of a bay.Title and other descriptive information comp...
Print shows a battle scene alongside a river, possibly the fourth major battle of the Kawanakajima w...
Print shows two samurai warriors fighting on the seashore or bank of a river.Restricted access; mate...
Title from item.; Printmaker's seal present.; Also available online at: http://nla.gov.au/nla.pic-v...
Print shows Oda Nobunaga fighting with another warrior whom he knocks off a building into a raging i...
Title from accompanying material.Restricted access; material extremely fragile; please use online di...
Print shows the Japanese commander, Colonel Awaya, standing with sword raised, leading his troops in...
Print shows a Japanese officer on horseback fighting with many Chinese soldiers near Weihaiwei durin...
Title devised by Library staff, other descriptive information compiled by Nichibunken-sponsored Edo ...
Title devised by Library staff, other descriptive information compiled by Nichibunken-sponsored Edo ...
Print shows Japanese soldiers, using bamboo as a screen, are attacking Chinese troops who appear to ...
Print shows Japanese officers looking at maps and reviewing progress of battle taking place outside ...
Print shows several actors in a battle scene with one warrior defending himself against several atta...
Print shows two men fighting with swords on the roof of a tower.Restricted access; material extremel...
Print shows Japanese soldiers preparing for assault on Russian troops near Haicheng, China, possibly...
Print shows a battle scene along the coastline of a bay.Title and other descriptive information comp...
Print shows a battle scene alongside a river, possibly the fourth major battle of the Kawanakajima w...
Print shows two samurai warriors fighting on the seashore or bank of a river.Restricted access; mate...
Title from item.; Printmaker's seal present.; Also available online at: http://nla.gov.au/nla.pic-v...
Print shows Oda Nobunaga fighting with another warrior whom he knocks off a building into a raging i...
Title from accompanying material.Restricted access; material extremely fragile; please use online di...
Print shows the Japanese commander, Colonel Awaya, standing with sword raised, leading his troops in...
Print shows a Japanese officer on horseback fighting with many Chinese soldiers near Weihaiwei durin...