Title from unverified information on negative sleeve.Atty. Gen. Under Taylor.Forms part of Brady-Handy Photograph Collection (Library of Congress)
Title from unverified information on negative sleeve.Forms part of Brady-Handy Photograph Collection...
Title from unverified information on negative sleeve.Annotation from negative, scratched into emulsi...
Title from unverified information on negative sleeve.Forms part of Brady-Handy Photograph Collection...
Title from unverified information on negative sleeve for LC-BH82-3105 A.Att'y Gen. under Pres. Taylo...
Title from unverified information on negative sleeve.Annotation from negative, scratched into emulsi...
Title from unverified information on negative sleeve.Forms part of Brady-Handy Photograph Collection...
Title from unverified information on negative sleeve.Forms part of Brady-Handy Photograph Collection...
Title from unverified information on negative sleeve.Forms part of Brady-Handy Photograph Collection...
Title from unverified information on negative sleeve.Forms part of Brady-Handy Photograph Collection...
Title from unverified information on negative sleeve.Annotation from negative, scratched into emulsi...
Title from unverified information on negative sleeve.Forms part of Brady-Handy Photograph Collection...
Title from unverified information on negative sleeve.Forms part of Brady-Handy Photograph Collection...
Title from unverified information on negative sleeve.Forms part of Brady-Handy Photograph Collection...
Title from unverified information on negative sleeve.Forms part of Brady-Handy Photograph Collection...
Title from unverified information on negative sleeve.Forms part of Brady-Handy Photograph Collection...
Title from unverified information on negative sleeve.Forms part of Brady-Handy Photograph Collection...
Title from unverified information on negative sleeve.Annotation from negative, scratched into emulsi...
Title from unverified information on negative sleeve.Forms part of Brady-Handy Photograph Collection...
Title from unverified information on negative sleeve for LC-BH82-3105 A.Att'y Gen. under Pres. Taylo...
Title from unverified information on negative sleeve.Annotation from negative, scratched into emulsi...
Title from unverified information on negative sleeve.Forms part of Brady-Handy Photograph Collection...
Title from unverified information on negative sleeve.Forms part of Brady-Handy Photograph Collection...
Title from unverified information on negative sleeve.Forms part of Brady-Handy Photograph Collection...
Title from unverified information on negative sleeve.Forms part of Brady-Handy Photograph Collection...
Title from unverified information on negative sleeve.Annotation from negative, scratched into emulsi...
Title from unverified information on negative sleeve.Forms part of Brady-Handy Photograph Collection...
Title from unverified information on negative sleeve.Forms part of Brady-Handy Photograph Collection...
Title from unverified information on negative sleeve.Forms part of Brady-Handy Photograph Collection...
Title from unverified information on negative sleeve.Forms part of Brady-Handy Photograph Collection...
Title from unverified information on negative sleeve.Forms part of Brady-Handy Photograph Collection...
Title from unverified information on negative sleeve.Forms part of Brady-Handy Photograph Collection...
Title from unverified information on negative sleeve.Annotation from negative, scratched into emulsi...
Title from unverified information on negative sleeve.Forms part of Brady-Handy Photograph Collection...