Poster shows Canadian soldiers, with bayonets drawn, going into battle.Title from item.W.P. no. 8
Poster is text only, with small armorial device of King George V.Poster no. 10.No. 4823-14.Title fro...
The Obiter Dicta publishes lists of individuals serving in the Canadian Armed Forces, messages of en...
Poster showing a soldier about to bayonet a German soldier in a trench.APL.22-1918.Forms part of: Wi...
Poster showing soldiers with bayonets about to charge.W.P. No. 8.Title from item
Poster shows Canadian soldiers in trucks driving over a road paved with war bonds.Title from item.W....
Poster showing a treasure chest, with soldiers in the background.No. W.P. 3.Title from item
Poster shows a Grenadier Guard; in background the Guard's Armoury and a vignette of soldiers in batt...
Poster showing three women pulling a plow.Adapted from photo by Brown Bros.No. W.P. 7.Title from ite...
Poster showing two soldiers, one wearing a hat, the other a helmet.Poster no. 64.Title from item
Poster showing a soldier, and a worker contributing to the Canadian Patriotic Fund.Title from item
Poster showing soldiers in battle, firing their weapons.Third Federal Reserve District.Title from it...
Title from item.Poster no. 44.W. 10403 - 15M. - 1/15.8-229603.Poster is text only
Poster showing silhouette of a soldier striding forward with bayonet.Poster no. 38.Title from item
Title from item.Text begins: Are you one of those ... neither fighting nor paying ... still enjoying...
Poster showing soldiers in a victory parade.Card no. 2(?).Mounted with other Liberty Loan posters.Ti...
Poster is text only, with small armorial device of King George V.Poster no. 10.No. 4823-14.Title fro...
The Obiter Dicta publishes lists of individuals serving in the Canadian Armed Forces, messages of en...
Poster showing a soldier about to bayonet a German soldier in a trench.APL.22-1918.Forms part of: Wi...
Poster showing soldiers with bayonets about to charge.W.P. No. 8.Title from item
Poster shows Canadian soldiers in trucks driving over a road paved with war bonds.Title from item.W....
Poster showing a treasure chest, with soldiers in the background.No. W.P. 3.Title from item
Poster shows a Grenadier Guard; in background the Guard's Armoury and a vignette of soldiers in batt...
Poster showing three women pulling a plow.Adapted from photo by Brown Bros.No. W.P. 7.Title from ite...
Poster showing two soldiers, one wearing a hat, the other a helmet.Poster no. 64.Title from item
Poster showing a soldier, and a worker contributing to the Canadian Patriotic Fund.Title from item
Poster showing soldiers in battle, firing their weapons.Third Federal Reserve District.Title from it...
Title from item.Poster no. 44.W. 10403 - 15M. - 1/15.8-229603.Poster is text only
Poster showing silhouette of a soldier striding forward with bayonet.Poster no. 38.Title from item
Title from item.Text begins: Are you one of those ... neither fighting nor paying ... still enjoying...
Poster showing soldiers in a victory parade.Card no. 2(?).Mounted with other Liberty Loan posters.Ti...
Poster is text only, with small armorial device of King George V.Poster no. 10.No. 4823-14.Title fro...
The Obiter Dicta publishes lists of individuals serving in the Canadian Armed Forces, messages of en...
Poster showing a soldier about to bayonet a German soldier in a trench.APL.22-1918.Forms part of: Wi...