Title translated from album caption.Captioned in Ottoman Turkish and French.No. 22.In album: Fire Brigade personnel and equipment, Istanbul, Ottoman Empire.Forms part of: Abdul-Hamid II Collection (Library of Congress)
Training grounds at Yıldız.Title translated from album caption.Captioned in Ottoman Turkish and Fren...
Title translated from album caption.Captioned in French.No. 16.In album: Fire Brigade personnel and ...
Training grounds at Yıldız.Title translated from album caption.Captioned in Ottoman Turkish and Fren...
Title translated from album caption.Captioned in Ottoman Turkish and French.No. 26.In album: Fire Br...
Title translated from album caption.Captioned in Ottoman Turkish and French.No. 25.In album: Fire Br...
Title translated from album caption.Captioned in Ottoman Turkish and French.No. 20.In album: Fire Br...
Title translated from album caption.Captioned in Ottoman Turkish and French.No. 29.In album: Fire Br...
Title translated from album caption.Captioned in Ottoman Turkish and French.No. 27.In album: Fire Br...
Title translated from album caption.Captioned in Ottoman Turkish and French.No. 28.In album: Fire Br...
Title translated from album caption.Captioned in Ottoman Turkish and French.No. 24.In album: Fire Br...
Title translated from album caption.Captioned in French.No. 23.No. 12.In album: Fire Brigade personn...
Title translated from album caption.Captioned in Ottoman Turkish and French.No. 18.In album: Fire Br...
Title translated from album caption.Captioned in Ottoman Turkish and French.No. 10.In album: Fire Br...
Title translated from album caption.Captioned in Ottoman Turkish and French.No. 5.In album: Fire Bri...
Title translated from album caption.Captioned in Ottoman Turkish and French.No. 13.In album: Fire Br...
Training grounds at Yıldız.Title translated from album caption.Captioned in Ottoman Turkish and Fren...
Title translated from album caption.Captioned in French.No. 16.In album: Fire Brigade personnel and ...
Training grounds at Yıldız.Title translated from album caption.Captioned in Ottoman Turkish and Fren...
Title translated from album caption.Captioned in Ottoman Turkish and French.No. 26.In album: Fire Br...
Title translated from album caption.Captioned in Ottoman Turkish and French.No. 25.In album: Fire Br...
Title translated from album caption.Captioned in Ottoman Turkish and French.No. 20.In album: Fire Br...
Title translated from album caption.Captioned in Ottoman Turkish and French.No. 29.In album: Fire Br...
Title translated from album caption.Captioned in Ottoman Turkish and French.No. 27.In album: Fire Br...
Title translated from album caption.Captioned in Ottoman Turkish and French.No. 28.In album: Fire Br...
Title translated from album caption.Captioned in Ottoman Turkish and French.No. 24.In album: Fire Br...
Title translated from album caption.Captioned in French.No. 23.No. 12.In album: Fire Brigade personn...
Title translated from album caption.Captioned in Ottoman Turkish and French.No. 18.In album: Fire Br...
Title translated from album caption.Captioned in Ottoman Turkish and French.No. 10.In album: Fire Br...
Title translated from album caption.Captioned in Ottoman Turkish and French.No. 5.In album: Fire Bri...
Title translated from album caption.Captioned in Ottoman Turkish and French.No. 13.In album: Fire Br...
Training grounds at Yıldız.Title translated from album caption.Captioned in Ottoman Turkish and Fren...
Title translated from album caption.Captioned in French.No. 16.In album: Fire Brigade personnel and ...
Training grounds at Yıldız.Title translated from album caption.Captioned in Ottoman Turkish and Fren...