Title translated from album caption.Captioned in Ottoman Turkish and French.No. 32.In album: Military schools, students, and records, Istanbul, Ottoman Empire.Forms part of: Abdul-Hamid II Collection (Library of Congress)
Trains and tracks at the Imperial Military Medical School.Title translated from album caption.Captio...
Title translated from album caption.Captioned in Ottoman Turkish and French.No. 20.In album: The Imp...
Title translated from album caption.Captioned in French.No. 38.No. 277.In album: Imperial military a...
Title translated from album caption.Captioned in Ottoman Turkish and French.No. 28.In album: The Imp...
Title translated from album caption.Captioned in French.No. 42.No. 122.In album: Imperial military a...
Title translated from album caption.Captioned in Ottoman Turkish and French.No. 32.No. 537.In album:...
Title translated from album caption.Captioned in Ottoman Turkish and French.No. 32.In album: The Imp...
Title translated from album caption.Captioned in Ottoman Turkish and French.No. 22.In album: The Imp...
Title translated from album caption.Captioned in Ottoman Turkish and French.No. 18.In album: The Imp...
Title translated from album caption.Captioned in Ottoman Turkish and French.No. 19.In album: Militar...
Title translated from album caption.Captioned in Ottoman Turkish and French.No. 36.In album: The Imp...
Title translated from album caption.Captioned in Ottoman Turkish and French.No. 15.In album: Militar...
Title translated from album caption.Captioned in Ottoman Turkish and French.No. 9.In album: Military...
Title translated from album caption.Captioned in Ottoman Turkish and French.No. 11.In album: Militar...
Title translated from album caption.Captioned in Ottoman Turkish and French.No. 10.In album: Militar...
Trains and tracks at the Imperial Military Medical School.Title translated from album caption.Captio...
Title translated from album caption.Captioned in Ottoman Turkish and French.No. 20.In album: The Imp...
Title translated from album caption.Captioned in French.No. 38.No. 277.In album: Imperial military a...
Title translated from album caption.Captioned in Ottoman Turkish and French.No. 28.In album: The Imp...
Title translated from album caption.Captioned in French.No. 42.No. 122.In album: Imperial military a...
Title translated from album caption.Captioned in Ottoman Turkish and French.No. 32.No. 537.In album:...
Title translated from album caption.Captioned in Ottoman Turkish and French.No. 32.In album: The Imp...
Title translated from album caption.Captioned in Ottoman Turkish and French.No. 22.In album: The Imp...
Title translated from album caption.Captioned in Ottoman Turkish and French.No. 18.In album: The Imp...
Title translated from album caption.Captioned in Ottoman Turkish and French.No. 19.In album: Militar...
Title translated from album caption.Captioned in Ottoman Turkish and French.No. 36.In album: The Imp...
Title translated from album caption.Captioned in Ottoman Turkish and French.No. 15.In album: Militar...
Title translated from album caption.Captioned in Ottoman Turkish and French.No. 9.In album: Military...
Title translated from album caption.Captioned in Ottoman Turkish and French.No. 11.In album: Militar...
Title translated from album caption.Captioned in Ottoman Turkish and French.No. 10.In album: Militar...
Trains and tracks at the Imperial Military Medical School.Title translated from album caption.Captio...
Title translated from album caption.Captioned in Ottoman Turkish and French.No. 20.In album: The Imp...
Title translated from album caption.Captioned in French.No. 38.No. 277.In album: Imperial military a...