County cadastral map showing townships, warranty-deed tracts, tract numbers, irregular real-property tracts, tract acreages, and landowners' names.Hand colored to emphasize township territories.Annotated and signed in inked handwriting at lower border: Entered according to act of Congress 1876 J.L. Smith.LC copies imperfect: Fold-lined, rubber-stamped and numbered by Copyright Office.LC Land ownership maps, 74
County cadastral map showing townships, boroughs, warranty-deed survey tracts, tract numbers, real-p...
County cadastral map showing warranty-deed tracts, tract numbers, irregular real-property tracts, la...
Shows buildings with landowners' names in rural areas; does not show property boundaries.Relief show...
County cadastral map showing warranty-deed tracts, tract numbers, tract acreages, warrantees' initia...
Shows original warranty survey tracts, tract acreages, assignees' names, dates of assignment, types ...
Landownership map showing townships, warranty-deed tracts/numbers, real-property tracts with owners'...
County cadastral map showing warranty-deed tracts, tract numbers, tract acreages, initials of warran...
General-content county map showing rural buildings and householders' names; the Montrose and Susqueh...
Landownership map showing townships, property tracts, tract numbers, acreages, landholders' names, e...
County cadastral map showing townships, warranty-deed land tracts, warranty numbers, real-property t...
Cadastral map showing warranty-deed tracts, tract numbers, tract acreages, real-property tracts, lan...
County cadastral map showing townships, warranty-deed survey tracts, tract numbers, real-property tr...
General-content county map showing rural buildings and householders' names; real-property tracts and...
County map showing rural buildings, householders' names, warranty-deed tracts, tract numbers, warran...
County map showing townships, warranty-deed survey tracts, tract numbers, real-property tracts, and ...
County cadastral map showing townships, boroughs, warranty-deed survey tracts, tract numbers, real-p...
County cadastral map showing warranty-deed tracts, tract numbers, irregular real-property tracts, la...
Shows buildings with landowners' names in rural areas; does not show property boundaries.Relief show...
County cadastral map showing warranty-deed tracts, tract numbers, tract acreages, warrantees' initia...
Shows original warranty survey tracts, tract acreages, assignees' names, dates of assignment, types ...
Landownership map showing townships, warranty-deed tracts/numbers, real-property tracts with owners'...
County cadastral map showing warranty-deed tracts, tract numbers, tract acreages, initials of warran...
General-content county map showing rural buildings and householders' names; the Montrose and Susqueh...
Landownership map showing townships, property tracts, tract numbers, acreages, landholders' names, e...
County cadastral map showing townships, warranty-deed land tracts, warranty numbers, real-property t...
Cadastral map showing warranty-deed tracts, tract numbers, tract acreages, real-property tracts, lan...
County cadastral map showing townships, warranty-deed survey tracts, tract numbers, real-property tr...
General-content county map showing rural buildings and householders' names; real-property tracts and...
County map showing rural buildings, householders' names, warranty-deed tracts, tract numbers, warran...
County map showing townships, warranty-deed survey tracts, tract numbers, real-property tracts, and ...
County cadastral map showing townships, boroughs, warranty-deed survey tracts, tract numbers, real-p...
County cadastral map showing warranty-deed tracts, tract numbers, irregular real-property tracts, la...
Shows buildings with landowners' names in rural areas; does not show property boundaries.Relief show...