The Gainesville (FL) Star [LCCN: sn95047242] began with the issue for May 1, 1903 and was published by D.E. Godwin in Gainesville (FL). The newspaper subsequently published semiweekly at least through October 4, 1904 when W.L. Hill was serving as its publisher. Some issues bear the heading "Twice a Week" and publisher's information within some issues refers to the "Gainesville (FL) Twice a Week Star". The newspaper appears to have been affiliated with the Democratic Party. Between 1903 and 1906, Gainesville's moderate phosphate, turpentine and tung oil industries made room for the industry that, today (ca. 2008) drives the Gainesville economy. In 1905, when the Florida Legislature sited the University of Florida, the State's college for men...