[EN] The third edition of the Giornate di Coniglicoltura ASIC 2009 (Italian Rabbit Days), product of the collaboration between ASIC (Italian Rabbit Scientific Association), Avitalia (Italian Poultry and Rabbit Producers Association), ASPA (Animal Production Scientific Association) and Forlì Fair was held in Forlì at 2-3 April 2009. The first day of the congress was focused on a Round Table entitled Biosecurity and welfare in rabbit farming . During the second day it were presented three main lectures: Possibilities to reduce the feed conversion in rabbit production by L. Maertens, Role of type of fibre on intestinal microbiota and performance in rabbits by J. García, M. Gómez-Conde, A.Pérez de Rozas, I. Badiola, M.J. Villamide, C. de B...