With the proliferation of concurrent software systems, automated finite state verification techniques for checking that a software system conforms to a behavior specification become extremely important in improving software quality. Such techniques can be used both for detecting faults of certain kinds and proving that such faults are absent from the given software system. In this thesis, we adapt the promising approach of FLAVERS, a data flow analysis-based finite state verification technique, to the analysis of concurrent Java programs. We investigate two alternative approaches to modeling Java concurrency with FLAVERS and demonstrate experimentally that one of these two approaches is more efficient. In addition, we present three general ...
AbstractConcurrency in multithreaded programs introduces additional complexity in software verificat...
FLAVERS, a tool for verifying properties of concurrent systems, uses composite data flow analysis to...
Abstract. Current approaches to the development of reliable software systems include decomposition i...
This paper presents FLAVERS, a finite state verification approach that analyzes whether concurrent o...
This paper presents FLAVERS, a nite state verication approach that analyzes whether concurrent or se...
This paper describes FLAVERS, a finite-state verification approach that analyzes whether concurrent ...
Today, nearly all personal computer systems are multiprocessor sys-tems, allowing multiple programs ...
The Java programming language supports concurrency. Concurrent programs are harder to verify than th...
In software component verification, one of the challenges is model checking of isolated components. ...
Abstract We provide a parametric framework for verifying safety properties of concurrent Java progra...
Finite state verication techniques can be used for detecting the presence or proving the absence of ...
Testing concurrent software is hard due to its non-deterministic behavior. Concurrency bugs triggeri...
This article describes FLAVERS, a finite-state verification approach that analyzes whether con-curre...
AbstractIn software component verification, one of the challenges is model checking of isolated comp...
The Java programming language supports concurrency. Concurrent programs are harder to verify than th...
AbstractConcurrency in multithreaded programs introduces additional complexity in software verificat...
FLAVERS, a tool for verifying properties of concurrent systems, uses composite data flow analysis to...
Abstract. Current approaches to the development of reliable software systems include decomposition i...
This paper presents FLAVERS, a finite state verification approach that analyzes whether concurrent o...
This paper presents FLAVERS, a nite state verication approach that analyzes whether concurrent or se...
This paper describes FLAVERS, a finite-state verification approach that analyzes whether concurrent ...
Today, nearly all personal computer systems are multiprocessor sys-tems, allowing multiple programs ...
The Java programming language supports concurrency. Concurrent programs are harder to verify than th...
In software component verification, one of the challenges is model checking of isolated components. ...
Abstract We provide a parametric framework for verifying safety properties of concurrent Java progra...
Finite state verication techniques can be used for detecting the presence or proving the absence of ...
Testing concurrent software is hard due to its non-deterministic behavior. Concurrency bugs triggeri...
This article describes FLAVERS, a finite-state verification approach that analyzes whether con-curre...
AbstractIn software component verification, one of the challenges is model checking of isolated comp...
The Java programming language supports concurrency. Concurrent programs are harder to verify than th...
AbstractConcurrency in multithreaded programs introduces additional complexity in software verificat...
FLAVERS, a tool for verifying properties of concurrent systems, uses composite data flow analysis to...
Abstract. Current approaches to the development of reliable software systems include decomposition i...