Strong cation exchange HPLC with the parallel ICP MS and electrospray hybrid linear ion trap quadrupole orbital trap mass spectrometry (ESI Orbitrap MS) detection was developed for the study of the metabolomic pattern of selenium in selenium-rich yeast. The mobile phase composition (gradient of ammonium formate in 20% methanol) was optimized to obtain separation in conditions guaranteeing the identical ICP MS sensitivity during the entire chromatographic run and the compatibility with electrospray ionization. Twenty seven Se-containing metabolites observed in the HPLC-ICP MS chromatogram were identified by ESI Orbitrap MS based on the Se isotopic pattern, the accurate molecular mass, and the multistage fragmentation patterns. The method all...
Speciation of selenium is of interest because selenium is both essential and toxic to humans, depend...
The complexity of selenium (Se) chemistry in the environment and in living organisms presents broad ...
A method for the quantitation of proteinaceous selenocysteine (SeCys) in Se-rich yeast was developed...
International audienceA high efficiency chromatographic separation on a porous graphitic carbon stat...
A method was developed for the comprehensive cartography of the selenium metabolites synthesized in ...
Normal-phase HPLC and hydrophilic interaction HPLC (HILIC) were investigated for the separation of s...
The isomer ratio determination of a selenium-containing metabolite produced by Se-rich yeast was per...
Selenium plays a key role in the proper metabolism of living organisms. The search for new selenium ...
Selenium plays a key role in the proper metabolism of living organisms. The search for new selenium ...
International audienceA proteomics approach based on 2D gel electrophoresis followed by HPLC-electro...
A method was developed for the precise determination of selenium isotopic compositions (delta Se-82/...
Selenium is an essential trace element for human and animal health. Numerous studies reported seleni...
Increasing speciation demands in clinical chemistry, toxicology and nutrition have made the determin...
The increasing demands for speciation in nutrition, clinical chemistry and toxicology have made the ...
The entire dissertation/thesis text is included in the research.pdf file; the official abstract appe...
Speciation of selenium is of interest because selenium is both essential and toxic to humans, depend...
The complexity of selenium (Se) chemistry in the environment and in living organisms presents broad ...
A method for the quantitation of proteinaceous selenocysteine (SeCys) in Se-rich yeast was developed...
International audienceA high efficiency chromatographic separation on a porous graphitic carbon stat...
A method was developed for the comprehensive cartography of the selenium metabolites synthesized in ...
Normal-phase HPLC and hydrophilic interaction HPLC (HILIC) were investigated for the separation of s...
The isomer ratio determination of a selenium-containing metabolite produced by Se-rich yeast was per...
Selenium plays a key role in the proper metabolism of living organisms. The search for new selenium ...
Selenium plays a key role in the proper metabolism of living organisms. The search for new selenium ...
International audienceA proteomics approach based on 2D gel electrophoresis followed by HPLC-electro...
A method was developed for the precise determination of selenium isotopic compositions (delta Se-82/...
Selenium is an essential trace element for human and animal health. Numerous studies reported seleni...
Increasing speciation demands in clinical chemistry, toxicology and nutrition have made the determin...
The increasing demands for speciation in nutrition, clinical chemistry and toxicology have made the ...
The entire dissertation/thesis text is included in the research.pdf file; the official abstract appe...
Speciation of selenium is of interest because selenium is both essential and toxic to humans, depend...
The complexity of selenium (Se) chemistry in the environment and in living organisms presents broad ...
A method for the quantitation of proteinaceous selenocysteine (SeCys) in Se-rich yeast was developed...