The unsaturated behaviour of Callovo-Oxfordian argillite is investigated through the modelling of 2 in-situ experiments. The first test studies the influence of ventilation in a gallery on the hydro-mechanical behaviour of the rock mass. The second test consists in a gas injection in the rock mass from an experimental borehole. A hydro-mechanical model is described and used in the modelling of the experiments. A review of the main hydro-mechanical parameters of argillite is presented. The numerical results highlight the need of a flow boundary condition reproducing the fluid transfers between the surroundings and the rock mass. The influence of dissolved gas on the compressibility of the liquid phase is also emphasised
AbstractIn order to investigate the hydro-mechanical (HM) and chemical perturbations induced in an a...
peer reviewedDeep geological repository is the preferred solution in many countries to manage radioa...
This thesis aims to study the damageable hydromechanical behavior of unsaturated geomaterials. More ...
peer reviewedDuring long-term repository of radioactive waste in argillaceous formation, the gas mig...
Long-term repository of radioactive waste in deep argillaceous geological media needs a good underst...
peer reviewedHydro and hydro-mechanical numerical modellings are performed in order to acquire a bet...
Gas migration in saturated argillaceous rock is studied in this work. Dependent on the pressure leve...
AbstractIn this paper, a modelling benchmark exercise from the DECOVALEX-2011 project is presented. ...
International audienceIn this paper, a modelling benchmark exercise from the DECOVALEX-2011 project ...
During recent decades, argillaceous sedimentary formations have been studied as potential host forma...
AbstractAt the Mont Terri Underground Research Laboratory (Switzerland), a field-scale investigation...
AbstractArgillaceous rocks are being considered as potential host rocks for deep geological disposal...
AbstractCallovo-Oxfordian (COx) argillite obtained from the excavation of high-level radioactive was...
Sedimentary rocks are characterized with very low permeability (in the order of 10-22 m2), low diffu...
Gases will be generated by corrosion of high radioactive waste containers in deep geological reposit...
AbstractIn order to investigate the hydro-mechanical (HM) and chemical perturbations induced in an a...
peer reviewedDeep geological repository is the preferred solution in many countries to manage radioa...
This thesis aims to study the damageable hydromechanical behavior of unsaturated geomaterials. More ...
peer reviewedDuring long-term repository of radioactive waste in argillaceous formation, the gas mig...
Long-term repository of radioactive waste in deep argillaceous geological media needs a good underst...
peer reviewedHydro and hydro-mechanical numerical modellings are performed in order to acquire a bet...
Gas migration in saturated argillaceous rock is studied in this work. Dependent on the pressure leve...
AbstractIn this paper, a modelling benchmark exercise from the DECOVALEX-2011 project is presented. ...
International audienceIn this paper, a modelling benchmark exercise from the DECOVALEX-2011 project ...
During recent decades, argillaceous sedimentary formations have been studied as potential host forma...
AbstractAt the Mont Terri Underground Research Laboratory (Switzerland), a field-scale investigation...
AbstractArgillaceous rocks are being considered as potential host rocks for deep geological disposal...
AbstractCallovo-Oxfordian (COx) argillite obtained from the excavation of high-level radioactive was...
Sedimentary rocks are characterized with very low permeability (in the order of 10-22 m2), low diffu...
Gases will be generated by corrosion of high radioactive waste containers in deep geological reposit...
AbstractIn order to investigate the hydro-mechanical (HM) and chemical perturbations induced in an a...
peer reviewedDeep geological repository is the preferred solution in many countries to manage radioa...
This thesis aims to study the damageable hydromechanical behavior of unsaturated geomaterials. More ...