Section 3: Page [1]: Section tab. ❧ Pages [2, 26-33], : Charter of the city of Los Angeles, 1990 June 5. §107, 108, 124-125, 125½, 157-158, 390-391 (pp. 115-116, 133-137, 191, ?). Includes amendments from 1976 to 1990 (9 pp.). ❧ Pages [3-4]: Charter study group table of contents (2 pp.). ❧ Page [5]: Delwin A. Biagi (Los Angeles Bureau of Sanitation), memorandum, 1991 February 14, to Keith Comrie, re City charter revisions (1 p.). ❧ Page [6]: Elias Martinez, memorandum, 1991 February 14, to Keith Comrie, re City charter revisions (1 p.). ❧ Pages [7-16]: Elias Martinez, memorandum, 1989 April 28, to Los Angeles City Council, re Charter amendments (10 pp.). ❧ Pages [17-18]: Elias Martinez, memorandum, 1989 February 3, to James K. Hahn, re Char...