Les premieres fouilles systematiques a Pella ont ete executees pendant les annees 1914 et 1915 par feu le Professeur G.P. Oekonomos lorsqu’il etait ephore des Antiquites en Macedoine. La premiere guerre mondiale avait interrompu son activite archeologique. Assez pres de l’endroit fouille par lui, on a trouve en 1957 fortuitement, pendant des travaux de deblaiement, dans le sous-sol d’une maison appartenant a B. Sterjoulas et pres du 38e kilometre de la route Thessalonique - Edessa, le tambour d’une colonne ionique avec sa base, in situ. Cette colonne appartenait a un peristyle dont chaque cote comportait six colonnes. Cela a ete constate par la suite de la fouille. La decouverte a marque le commencement de la nouvelle periode des fouilles a...
Since the dawn of Hellenic history, olive tree and its products are present as avital and essential ...
The present study includes a:Η. A retrospective part with data of the pediatric AIDS unit of Aghia S...
Comic Literature and laughter in 12th century:The case of Constantine Manasses SUMMARYThe intriguing...
A l’extremite nord d’Istanbul, entre ses 5ε et 6e collines, s’etend une petite plaine qui portait, p...
La these presente, intitulee «Maxime Planude: contribution a l’ etude de sa vie et de son ?uvre. Le ...
Aunque, durante las últimas décadas, las excavaciones en la prefectura de Rétino han sacado a la luz...
In this paper we present new geological and seismological data on the orientation of crustal extensi...
Tidal notches are a generally accepted sea level indicator that, when different from mean sea level,...
The present thesis deals with the study of the sulphide mineralization of Eptadendro (Aberdeen) an...
Era L. Vranoussi Le plus ancien document conservé sur l'évêch&...
The first section of this thesis, called “Theoretical Introduction”, provides informations about the...
In recent years, several studies have been undertaken on ceramic technology and there is now a gener...
Οι ανασκαφές των αρχών του 20ου αιώνα στη Δήλο έφεραν στο φως περίπου τριάντα λιθο- πλίνθους ελαιοτρ...
La Societe Philopedeutique d’Athenes [Filekpedeftiki Eteria (F.E.)] a ete instituee -comme le signal...
Στη σημερινή παράκτια ζώνη Νέας Περάμου - Λουτρών Ελευθερών Ν Καβάλας, καταγράφηκαν πολύ υψηλές επιφ...
Since the dawn of Hellenic history, olive tree and its products are present as avital and essential ...
The present study includes a:Η. A retrospective part with data of the pediatric AIDS unit of Aghia S...
Comic Literature and laughter in 12th century:The case of Constantine Manasses SUMMARYThe intriguing...
A l’extremite nord d’Istanbul, entre ses 5ε et 6e collines, s’etend une petite plaine qui portait, p...
La these presente, intitulee «Maxime Planude: contribution a l’ etude de sa vie et de son ?uvre. Le ...
Aunque, durante las últimas décadas, las excavaciones en la prefectura de Rétino han sacado a la luz...
In this paper we present new geological and seismological data on the orientation of crustal extensi...
Tidal notches are a generally accepted sea level indicator that, when different from mean sea level,...
The present thesis deals with the study of the sulphide mineralization of Eptadendro (Aberdeen) an...
Era L. Vranoussi Le plus ancien document conservé sur l'évêch&...
The first section of this thesis, called “Theoretical Introduction”, provides informations about the...
In recent years, several studies have been undertaken on ceramic technology and there is now a gener...
Οι ανασκαφές των αρχών του 20ου αιώνα στη Δήλο έφεραν στο φως περίπου τριάντα λιθο- πλίνθους ελαιοτρ...
La Societe Philopedeutique d’Athenes [Filekpedeftiki Eteria (F.E.)] a ete instituee -comme le signal...
Στη σημερινή παράκτια ζώνη Νέας Περάμου - Λουτρών Ελευθερών Ν Καβάλας, καταγράφηκαν πολύ υψηλές επιφ...
Since the dawn of Hellenic history, olive tree and its products are present as avital and essential ...
The present study includes a:Η. A retrospective part with data of the pediatric AIDS unit of Aghia S...
Comic Literature and laughter in 12th century:The case of Constantine Manasses SUMMARYThe intriguing...