This report assesses nine CCAFS tools/datasets in terms of who is using them and for what purposes, and explores whether and how the use of CCAFS data and tools has contributed to outcomes, in particular to changes in knowledge, attitude or skills, as well as potential changes in behaviour and practice among different user groups, where possible
The Digital Conversion and Media Reformatting plan was written in 2012 and revised 2013-2014, as a f...
Family violence (FV) is a significant issue in New Zealand. Where it is present, it has significant ...
This study and project looks at LGBTQIA representation in college media and how there can be more an...
The Pliny software system for scholarly note-taking and annotation was investigated in depth by the ...
Master's thesis in global studies. School of Mission and Theology, May 2014MV 17 S
Esta tesina se enmarca en la aplicación de Realidad Aumentada para el desarrollo de un juego para el...
Obiettivo della tesi è quello di analizzare le diverse tecnologie messe a disposizioe dai dispositiv...
133 páginasResearch that iams to articulate an ethnographic perspective with concepts from the frenc...
Recent reports indicate that the number of uninsured individuals in Oklahoma has reached approximat...
En kvantitativ sammenligningsstudie av yngre og eldre generasjoners forventninger til arbeidslivet. ...
Els objectius d’aquest treball són dos. El primer és realitzar un estudi sobre la situació en què es...
Màster de Lingüística Aplicada i Adquisició de Llengües en Contextos Multilingües, Departament de Fi...
Il primo capitolo rappresenta un'introduzione al VoIP e al relativo protocollo di segnalazione (Sess...
El presente documento recoge el trabajo de final de grado en la especialidad de Electrónica Industr...
El Open Journal Systems es un software de código abierto que facilita la gestión, edición y publicac...
The Digital Conversion and Media Reformatting plan was written in 2012 and revised 2013-2014, as a f...
Family violence (FV) is a significant issue in New Zealand. Where it is present, it has significant ...
This study and project looks at LGBTQIA representation in college media and how there can be more an...
The Pliny software system for scholarly note-taking and annotation was investigated in depth by the ...
Master's thesis in global studies. School of Mission and Theology, May 2014MV 17 S
Esta tesina se enmarca en la aplicación de Realidad Aumentada para el desarrollo de un juego para el...
Obiettivo della tesi è quello di analizzare le diverse tecnologie messe a disposizioe dai dispositiv...
133 páginasResearch that iams to articulate an ethnographic perspective with concepts from the frenc...
Recent reports indicate that the number of uninsured individuals in Oklahoma has reached approximat...
En kvantitativ sammenligningsstudie av yngre og eldre generasjoners forventninger til arbeidslivet. ...
Els objectius d’aquest treball són dos. El primer és realitzar un estudi sobre la situació en què es...
Màster de Lingüística Aplicada i Adquisició de Llengües en Contextos Multilingües, Departament de Fi...
Il primo capitolo rappresenta un'introduzione al VoIP e al relativo protocollo di segnalazione (Sess...
El presente documento recoge el trabajo de final de grado en la especialidad de Electrónica Industr...
El Open Journal Systems es un software de código abierto que facilita la gestión, edición y publicac...
The Digital Conversion and Media Reformatting plan was written in 2012 and revised 2013-2014, as a f...
Family violence (FV) is a significant issue in New Zealand. Where it is present, it has significant ...
This study and project looks at LGBTQIA representation in college media and how there can be more an...