Basin efficiency approach and its effect on streamflow quality, Zerafshan River Uzbekistan

  • Olsson, O.
  • Gassmann, M.
  • Manig, N.
  • Ikramova, M.
  • Wegerich, Kai
Publication date
June 2014
Elsevier BV
Citation count (estimate)


Understanding the spatial-temporal patterns of water quality parameters and apportioning the sources of water pollution are important for water management. Within the Zerafshan basin a basin efficiency approach is practiced. Here water quality data for a 30 year period are presented and analysed according to spatial distribution utilising box plots and cluster analysis. The results show quality declines in its middle and lower reaches due to return flows from intensively irrigated agricultural region as well as a ''Hot spot'' with organic and nutrient pollution due to return flows from industrial effluent and municipal wastewater. Comparison between upstream and downstream sites shows an increase of salinity and COD concentrations as well a...

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