Controls on the Geometry and Evolution of Deep-water Fold Thrust Belt of the NW Borneo.

  • Sulaiman, Norasiah Binti
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Publication date
May 2017
University of Leeds


The key driving mechanisms for establishing deep-water fold-thrust belt are either lithospheric stress or gravity-driven associated with margin instability or a combination of both. Despite long academic interest, we still lack of detailed understanding of the interaction between the deformation mechanisms (gravity- and tectonic-driven). The results of an evaluation of the interaction between the deformation mechanisms, with focused attention upon the NW Borneo deep-water fold-thrust belt, are reported. A methodology integrating a detailed structural analysis of the deep-water fold-thrust belt from the available subsurface data and equivalent onshore outcrop is utilized in this study. Detailed structural analysis of 2D seismic profiles ...

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