Love Song

  • Stillman, Johanna
Publication date
January 2017
Konstfack, Institutionen för Konst (K)


Love Song is an essay about romance, passion, obsession, attraction, Eros, intoxication, infatuation, to fall in love and love. Love songs, as artworks, are almost always directed towards a nameless “you” and this essay wants to talk to you. The text might be seen as a way to create and rewrite something, a performance to understand other performances, a dwelling on past relationships, a love letter, or just a text for me to vent you with others that have been thinking about you. I would love to hear Elsa von Freytag-Loringhoven, Chris Kraus, Beyoncé, Bell Hooks, Anaïs Nin and Taylor Swift talk to each other about art and romances, but because that is an impossible dream I try to connect them and many other thinkers, artists and singers thr...

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