How many and which ant species are being accidentally moved around the world?

  • Miravete, Verònica
  • Roura i Pascual, Núria
  • Dunn, Robert R
  • Gómez López, Crisanto
Publication date
January 2050
The Royal Society


Aquest article va ser corregit l'1 de juliol de 2014. La correcció es va publicar a Biology Letters, 2014, vol. 10, núm. 7, p. 20140504Human transportation facilitates the dispersal of exotic ants, but few studies have quantified the magnitude and geography of these movements. We used several non-parametric indices to estimate the number of species successfully introduced to or established in new regions. We also compared their source biogeographic realms to assess the importance of geographical origin in determining the likelihood of establishment after introduction. Occurrence data on exotic ants derive from studies of three temperate regions. Our results suggest that the numbers of introduced or established ants may be much larger than t...

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