La comunitat científica que treballa en Intel·ligència Artificial (IA) ha dut a terme una gran quantitat de treball en com la IA pot ajudar a les persones a trobar el que volen dins d'Internet. La idea dels sistemes recomanadors ha estat extensament acceptada pels usuaris. La tasca principal d'un sistema recomanador és localitzar ítems, fonts d'informació i persones relacionades amb els interessos i preferències d'una persona o d'un grup de persones. Això comporta la construcció de models d'usuari i l'habilitat d'anticipar i predir les preferències de l'usuari. Aquesta tesi està focalitzada en l'estudi de tècniques d'IA que millorin el rendiment dels sistemes recomanadors. Inicialment, s'ha dut a terme un anàlisis detallat de l'actual estat...
In a hyperconnected world, recommendation systems (RS) are one of the most widespread commercial app...
This research work presents two approaches to improve the quality of the results returned by a case-...
International audienceCase-Based Reasoning (CBR) is a problem solving methodology that reuses the kn...
[ES] La serie «El rol de la inteligencia artificial y la computación distribuida en las aplicaciones...
La divergence comportementale des utilisateurs sur le web résulte un problème de fluctuation de perf...
La importancia de los sistemas de recomendación ha experimentado un crecimiento exponencial como con...
Recommender systems (RS) exploit users' behaviour to recommend to them items they would appreciate. ...
The large amount of pages in Websites is a problem for users who waste time looking for the informat...
A falta de informação e de confiança entre os agentes em sistemas de recomendação que lidam com domí...
Los sistemas de recomendación han tenido un rápido crecimiento tanto en investigación académica como...
Recommender systems are considered as useful software that helps users in screening and evaluating p...
O propósito desta dissertação é implementar um Sistema de Recomendação de estabelecimentos de comérc...
People recommender systems (PRS) are a special type of RS. They are often adopted to identify people...
Today, social networking is an essential part of the lives of people around the world. The WorldWide...
[ES] Los sistemas de recomendación tradicionales basan sus recomendaciones en las medidas cuantitat...
In a hyperconnected world, recommendation systems (RS) are one of the most widespread commercial app...
This research work presents two approaches to improve the quality of the results returned by a case-...
International audienceCase-Based Reasoning (CBR) is a problem solving methodology that reuses the kn...
[ES] La serie «El rol de la inteligencia artificial y la computación distribuida en las aplicaciones...
La divergence comportementale des utilisateurs sur le web résulte un problème de fluctuation de perf...
La importancia de los sistemas de recomendación ha experimentado un crecimiento exponencial como con...
Recommender systems (RS) exploit users' behaviour to recommend to them items they would appreciate. ...
The large amount of pages in Websites is a problem for users who waste time looking for the informat...
A falta de informação e de confiança entre os agentes em sistemas de recomendação que lidam com domí...
Los sistemas de recomendación han tenido un rápido crecimiento tanto en investigación académica como...
Recommender systems are considered as useful software that helps users in screening and evaluating p...
O propósito desta dissertação é implementar um Sistema de Recomendação de estabelecimentos de comérc...
People recommender systems (PRS) are a special type of RS. They are often adopted to identify people...
Today, social networking is an essential part of the lives of people around the world. The WorldWide...
[ES] Los sistemas de recomendación tradicionales basan sus recomendaciones en las medidas cuantitat...
In a hyperconnected world, recommendation systems (RS) are one of the most widespread commercial app...
This research work presents two approaches to improve the quality of the results returned by a case-...
International audienceCase-Based Reasoning (CBR) is a problem solving methodology that reuses the kn...