Kuivuuden vaikutuksia puiden fysiologiaan on tutkittu paljon, mutta monet kuivuudesta aiheutuvat mekanismit ja reaktiot ovat edelleen tuntemattomia tai heikosti ymmärrettyjä. Tässä tutkielmassa tutkin puun sokeridynamiikkaa kuivumis-kastumissyklin aikana sekä maan hydraulisen johtavuuskyvyn vaikutusta koetun kuivuuden vakavuuteen. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää, vapauttaako kuusi sokereita ympäröivään liuokseen tai maaperään kuivuuden loputtua äkillisesti sekä kumpi vaikuttaa enemmän kuivuuden vakavuuteen, maan vedenjohtokyky vai vesipotentiaali. Tein kokeen viidellä metsäkuusen taimella loka-marraskuussa 2016. Taimet olivat ensin vedessä, mistä ne siirrettiin -0,5 MPa vahvuiseen PEG-liuokseen 24 tunniksi. Tämän jälkeen ne siirretti...
Summary We studied experimentally the effects of water availability on height and radial increment a...
This paper deals with the variability of moisture induced movements in Norway spruce wood. Totally 9...
The influence of drought on plant functioning has received considerable attention in recent years, h...
Drought-induced changes in whole-tree hydraulic conductances (gL) were monitored throughout a growin...
The effects of soil water depletion on sap flow, twig water potential, stomatal and canopy conductan...
The aim of this thesis was to improve the quality of energy wood and therefore increase the potentia...
The aim of this paper is to analyse the water regime of soils under spruce ecosystems in relation to...
Recently, it is generally recognized in literature that approaching water and sugar transport in an ...
Antud bakalaureusetöös on uuritud mittepurustaval meetodil ultrahelikiiruse, tiheduse ja niiskuse se...
Summary To determine the relationship between phloem transport and changes in phloem water content, ...
International audienceDrought-induced changes in whole-tree hydraulic conductances (gL) were monitor...
6siSevere drought events threaten tree water transport system, productivity and survival. Woody angi...
In the short term, trees rely on the internal storage of water because it affects their ability to s...
Käesolevas bakalaureusetöös on uurimise all puidu niiskus, ultraheli kiiruse levimine puidus ja pa...
JulkaisusatoaSelostus artikkelista: Helenius, Pekka, Luoranen, Jaana & Rikala, Risto 2005. Physiolog...
Summary We studied experimentally the effects of water availability on height and radial increment a...
This paper deals with the variability of moisture induced movements in Norway spruce wood. Totally 9...
The influence of drought on plant functioning has received considerable attention in recent years, h...
Drought-induced changes in whole-tree hydraulic conductances (gL) were monitored throughout a growin...
The effects of soil water depletion on sap flow, twig water potential, stomatal and canopy conductan...
The aim of this thesis was to improve the quality of energy wood and therefore increase the potentia...
The aim of this paper is to analyse the water regime of soils under spruce ecosystems in relation to...
Recently, it is generally recognized in literature that approaching water and sugar transport in an ...
Antud bakalaureusetöös on uuritud mittepurustaval meetodil ultrahelikiiruse, tiheduse ja niiskuse se...
Summary To determine the relationship between phloem transport and changes in phloem water content, ...
International audienceDrought-induced changes in whole-tree hydraulic conductances (gL) were monitor...
6siSevere drought events threaten tree water transport system, productivity and survival. Woody angi...
In the short term, trees rely on the internal storage of water because it affects their ability to s...
Käesolevas bakalaureusetöös on uurimise all puidu niiskus, ultraheli kiiruse levimine puidus ja pa...
JulkaisusatoaSelostus artikkelista: Helenius, Pekka, Luoranen, Jaana & Rikala, Risto 2005. Physiolog...
Summary We studied experimentally the effects of water availability on height and radial increment a...
This paper deals with the variability of moisture induced movements in Norway spruce wood. Totally 9...
The influence of drought on plant functioning has received considerable attention in recent years, h...