The narA locus required for nitrate reduction in Synechococcus sp. strain PCC 7942 is shown to consist of a cluster of genes, namely, moeA, moaC, moaD, moaE, and moaA, involved in molybdenum cofactor biosynthesis. The product of the moaC gene of strain PCC 7942 shows homology in its N- terminal half to MoaC from Escherichia call and in its C-terminal half to MoaB or Mog. Overexpression of the Synechococcus moaC gene in E. coli resulted in the synthesis of a polypeptide of 36 kDa, a size that would conform to a protein resembling a fusion of the MoaC and MoaB or Mog polypeptides of E. coli. Insertional inactivation of the moeA, moaC, moaE, and moaA genes showed that the moeA-moa gene cluster is required for growth on nitrate and expression o...