Článek se zabývá možnostmi emocionální syntézy v systémech převodu textu na řeč.The synthesis of emotional speech is still an open question. The principal issue is how to introduce expressivity without compromising the naturalness of the synthetic speech produced by means of the state-of-the-art technology. In this paper two concatenative synthesis systems are described and some approaches to address this topic are proposed. One of the reported proposals is to consider the intrinsic expressivity of certain speech acts, i.e. exploit the correlation between affective states and communicative functions. This implies a different approach in the design of the databases for speech synthesis. In fact, beyond phonetic and prosodic criteria, linguis...
ABSTRACT 1 This paper describes an experiment in synthesizing four emotional states- anger, happines...
This paper is intended to give a general overview of e#orts to simulate emotion in synthetic speech...
The research project COMPANIONS aims at developing an advanced embodied conversational agent (ECA). ...
Článek se zabývá možnostmi emocionální syntézy v systémech převodu textu na řeč.The synthesis of emo...
The aim of the present thesis was to examine how people respond to synthetically produced lexical ex...
Abstract—This paper describes a development of limited do-main expressive speech synthesis for the C...
Modern speech synthesis systems with very high intelligibility are readily available in a number of ...
This paper describes some of the results from the project entitled “New Parameterization for Emotion...
All speech produced by humans includes information about the speaker, including conveying the emotio...
Expressing emotions is a very important feature of Visual Speech Synthesis systems. In 1972 the firs...
The results of preliminary attempts to add emotion to concatenative synthetic speech, intially using...
Speech can express subjective meanings and intents that, in order to be fully understood, rely heavi...
Tato práce ze zabývá syntézou expresivní řeči v oblasti omezené na rozhovory mezi člověkem a počítač...
Tato disertační práce se zabývá syntézou expresivní řeči v dialogu, kdy pro popis expresivity jsou p...
We describe the attempt to synthesize emotional speech with a concatenative speech synthesizer using...
ABSTRACT 1 This paper describes an experiment in synthesizing four emotional states- anger, happines...
This paper is intended to give a general overview of e#orts to simulate emotion in synthetic speech...
The research project COMPANIONS aims at developing an advanced embodied conversational agent (ECA). ...
Článek se zabývá možnostmi emocionální syntézy v systémech převodu textu na řeč.The synthesis of emo...
The aim of the present thesis was to examine how people respond to synthetically produced lexical ex...
Abstract—This paper describes a development of limited do-main expressive speech synthesis for the C...
Modern speech synthesis systems with very high intelligibility are readily available in a number of ...
This paper describes some of the results from the project entitled “New Parameterization for Emotion...
All speech produced by humans includes information about the speaker, including conveying the emotio...
Expressing emotions is a very important feature of Visual Speech Synthesis systems. In 1972 the firs...
The results of preliminary attempts to add emotion to concatenative synthetic speech, intially using...
Speech can express subjective meanings and intents that, in order to be fully understood, rely heavi...
Tato práce ze zabývá syntézou expresivní řeči v oblasti omezené na rozhovory mezi člověkem a počítač...
Tato disertační práce se zabývá syntézou expresivní řeči v dialogu, kdy pro popis expresivity jsou p...
We describe the attempt to synthesize emotional speech with a concatenative speech synthesizer using...
ABSTRACT 1 This paper describes an experiment in synthesizing four emotional states- anger, happines...
This paper is intended to give a general overview of e#orts to simulate emotion in synthetic speech...
The research project COMPANIONS aims at developing an advanced embodied conversational agent (ECA). ...