Bakalářská práce pojednává o srbském odboji proti osmanské nadvládě. Přibližuje příčiny povstání a analyzuje jeho jednotlivé fáze. Dále se zabývá vnitřní a zahraniční politikou významných osobností srbského povstání. Také mapuje postoje evropských mocností k srbskému povstání a popisuje jejich zásahy v problematice Balkánského poloostrova.Katedra historických vědObhájenoThe bachelor's thesis deals with the Serbian rebellion against the Ottoman domination approaching the cause of the rebellion and analyzing it´s various stages. It also deals with domestic and foreign policies of major figures of the Serbian uprising, maps the attitudes of European powers to the Serbian uprising, and describes their intervention in the issue of the Balkan Pen...
The Ottoman administration in Bosnia-Herzegovina which began in 1463 was based on Islamic laws. The ...
During the war against the rebellious Serbian state, the Ottoman Empire tried to resolve the issue o...
Historical analysis of the conflict of interests by which the Great Powers were guided when interve...
Diplomsko delo opisuje upor v Bosni in Hercegovini, ki je danes znan pod poimenovanjem nevesinjska p...
This work discusses the historical struggle of Serbian people in Bosnia and Herzegovina for the auto...
Year 1912 is characterized by the armed resistance of Albanians against the Ottoman Empire, in order...
After the restoration of Serbia in 1830, the areas of medieval Serbia left out of her borders wer...
U okviru rada detaljno su analizirani odnosi Srbije i Stare Srbije od početka Srpske revolucije 1804...
After the restoration of Serbia in 1830, the areas of medieval Serbia left out of her borders were d...
V 19. stoletju je Ruski imperij vodil aktivno zunanjo politiko na področju Jugovzhodne Evrope. Območ...
The period under consideration is divided into four chapters. I. The Serbian Situation During the Ni...
The aim of this paper is the overview of the Serbian history since their migration to t...
Diplomsko delo obravnava zgodovino Kraljevine Srbije v obdobju od spremembe vladarske dinastije do a...
Niniejsza praca omawia stosunki między Serbią a Rosją od powstania antytureckiego ludności chrześci...
The topic of this work is a consideration of the constitutional development of Serbia from 1835 to 1...
The Ottoman administration in Bosnia-Herzegovina which began in 1463 was based on Islamic laws. The ...
During the war against the rebellious Serbian state, the Ottoman Empire tried to resolve the issue o...
Historical analysis of the conflict of interests by which the Great Powers were guided when interve...
Diplomsko delo opisuje upor v Bosni in Hercegovini, ki je danes znan pod poimenovanjem nevesinjska p...
This work discusses the historical struggle of Serbian people in Bosnia and Herzegovina for the auto...
Year 1912 is characterized by the armed resistance of Albanians against the Ottoman Empire, in order...
After the restoration of Serbia in 1830, the areas of medieval Serbia left out of her borders wer...
U okviru rada detaljno su analizirani odnosi Srbije i Stare Srbije od početka Srpske revolucije 1804...
After the restoration of Serbia in 1830, the areas of medieval Serbia left out of her borders were d...
V 19. stoletju je Ruski imperij vodil aktivno zunanjo politiko na področju Jugovzhodne Evrope. Območ...
The period under consideration is divided into four chapters. I. The Serbian Situation During the Ni...
The aim of this paper is the overview of the Serbian history since their migration to t...
Diplomsko delo obravnava zgodovino Kraljevine Srbije v obdobju od spremembe vladarske dinastije do a...
Niniejsza praca omawia stosunki między Serbią a Rosją od powstania antytureckiego ludności chrześci...
The topic of this work is a consideration of the constitutional development of Serbia from 1835 to 1...
The Ottoman administration in Bosnia-Herzegovina which began in 1463 was based on Islamic laws. The ...
During the war against the rebellious Serbian state, the Ottoman Empire tried to resolve the issue o...
Historical analysis of the conflict of interests by which the Great Powers were guided when interve...