Neuropeptides and their functions in Hydra

  • Takahashi, T.
  • Hayakawa, E.
  • Koizumi, O.
  • Fujisawa, T.
Publication date
June 2028
Akademiai Kiado Zrt.


In order to identify novel peptide signaling molecules involved in the regulation of developmental and physiological processes in the freshwater cnidarian, Hydra magnipapillata , we initiated a systematic peptide screening project, the Hydra Peptide Project. In the project, twelve neuropeptides were identified so far. The LWamide family is composed of seven members, which share a GLWamide motif at their C-termini. All the peptides have an ability to induce metamorphosis of Hydractinia serrata planula larvae into polyps. In Hydra , LWamides induce detachment of the bud from a parental polyp. A neuropeptide, Hym-355, enhances neuronal differentiation by inducing the multipotent interstitial stem cells to enter the neuron d...

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