Formaldehyde and some fully n-methylated substances in boar seminal fluids

  • Szilágyi, M.
  • Németh, Zs. I.
  • Albert, L.
  • Sarlós, P.
  • Tyihák, E.
Publication date
March 2026
Akademiai Kiado Zrt.


On the basis of recent observations it is supposed that seminal fluids may contain - mainly in hydroxymethyl groups - formaldehyde (HCHO) and quaternary ammonium compounds as potential HCHO generators, therefore, preliminary investigations were carried out for the identification of these compounds in pig seminal fluids using OPLC, HPLC and MALDI MS techniques. The fresh pig seminal fluid was frozen in liquid nitrogen, powdered and aliquots (0.25 g) were treated with 0.7 ml ethanolic dimedone solution. The suspension was centrifuged and the clear supernatant was used for analysis by OPLC or after dilution with HPLC or MALDI MS technique. After OPLC separation of formaldemethone the fully N-methylated compounds which are stayed on the start p...

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