In Islamic, Every body has duty for advising another or It's called “berdakwah”. There are many medium for “berdakwah”, one of them is by musical art. Some one can writes words in a song to urge another Moslem in order to be the real Moslem. Some one always urges another Moslem to ”amal ma'ruf nahi mungkar”. Almost All the words in Opicks song tells about Islamic Mission example Aqidah, Syari'ah, Akhlak and informatif, persuasive and Coersive. Opick tries to build belief of Moslem in order always to be faithful and guarentee people to get happiness in world living and akhirat living
“Hidayah” is a very major capital base for a servant in grabbing and worldly happiness and pleasure ...
Penelitian ini mengasumsikan bahwa tahapan kemunculan tradisi keilmuan Islam berdasarkan skema Acikg...
In Islam, every law prescribed by God has its own purpose and reason. Maqashid al-Syari’ah is the pu...
Amar ma’ruf dapat diartikan sebagai tindakan untuk mengajak manusia agar tunduk dan patuh pada berba...
Agama islam merupakan agama yang dibawa oleh Nabi Muhammad SAW. Agama islam juga merupakan wujud dar...
Islam adalah agama yang membawa rahmatan lil ‘âlamin. Islam tidak hanya datang bagi bangsa tertentu....
Dakwah or Da’wah (Proselytism of Islam) is moeslem religious activity, in form of acts, words (speec...
Islam is da’wa religious, its mean obey muslim to preach Islam to other people everytime, everywhere...
ABSTRACTIslamic Law is rooted at wahyu illahi. That is Al’Quran, and prophets words, Al-Hadist, aswe...
Setiap manusia secara naluri suatu kebenaran dan tidak ingin perselisihan, apalagi pertumparan darah...
Dakwah is an important thing in Islam, therefore between da’wah and Islam have an inseparable relati...
Islam is a religion of da'wah which obliges his followers to preach according to their capabilities....
Abstract Islam is religion of peace, mercy religion, religious bearer of glad tidings that provide s...
Konsepsi Syatibi tentang maqasid al-syari’ah (tujuan hukum Islam) mempunyai keistimewaan dan keunika...
Allah guides people through the presence of the messengers who served as a witness, to give glad tid...
“Hidayah” is a very major capital base for a servant in grabbing and worldly happiness and pleasure ...
Penelitian ini mengasumsikan bahwa tahapan kemunculan tradisi keilmuan Islam berdasarkan skema Acikg...
In Islam, every law prescribed by God has its own purpose and reason. Maqashid al-Syari’ah is the pu...
Amar ma’ruf dapat diartikan sebagai tindakan untuk mengajak manusia agar tunduk dan patuh pada berba...
Agama islam merupakan agama yang dibawa oleh Nabi Muhammad SAW. Agama islam juga merupakan wujud dar...
Islam adalah agama yang membawa rahmatan lil ‘âlamin. Islam tidak hanya datang bagi bangsa tertentu....
Dakwah or Da’wah (Proselytism of Islam) is moeslem religious activity, in form of acts, words (speec...
Islam is da’wa religious, its mean obey muslim to preach Islam to other people everytime, everywhere...
ABSTRACTIslamic Law is rooted at wahyu illahi. That is Al’Quran, and prophets words, Al-Hadist, aswe...
Setiap manusia secara naluri suatu kebenaran dan tidak ingin perselisihan, apalagi pertumparan darah...
Dakwah is an important thing in Islam, therefore between da’wah and Islam have an inseparable relati...
Islam is a religion of da'wah which obliges his followers to preach according to their capabilities....
Abstract Islam is religion of peace, mercy religion, religious bearer of glad tidings that provide s...
Konsepsi Syatibi tentang maqasid al-syari’ah (tujuan hukum Islam) mempunyai keistimewaan dan keunika...
Allah guides people through the presence of the messengers who served as a witness, to give glad tid...
“Hidayah” is a very major capital base for a servant in grabbing and worldly happiness and pleasure ...
Penelitian ini mengasumsikan bahwa tahapan kemunculan tradisi keilmuan Islam berdasarkan skema Acikg...
In Islam, every law prescribed by God has its own purpose and reason. Maqashid al-Syari’ah is the pu...