Analisis Kredit Macet (PT. Bank Sulut, Tbk Di Manado)

  • Mewoh, F. C. (Fransisca)
  • Sumampouw, H. J. (Harry)
  • Tamengkel, L. F. (Lucky)
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Publication date
January 2016
Sam Ratulangi University


This study is based on that: The extension of credit by the bank must pay attention to the principles of sound lending. To gain confidence, such as the explanation of Article 8 of Law No. 10 of 1998 on banking, namely: "In memberkan credit, banks are required to conduct thorough research on the character (character), ability (capacity), capital (capital), reserves ( collateral), the economic condition of the debtor (condition ofeconomy). This is to keep possibilities diharpkan not happen. "The purpose of this study was to determine what factors-factors that cause bad loans to PT Bank Tbk in Manado North Sulawesi. This study used descriptive qualitative method by using analysis of financial ratios of NPLs in the calculation of non-performing...

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