Beragam alat digunakan untuk menangkap burung air yang berpotensi ekonomi bagi sebagian penduduk Kecamatan Danau Panggang, Kabupaten Hulu Sungai Utara. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan alat tangkap burung, mengidentifikasi spesies burung tertangkap, dan menentukan keramahlingkunganan alat tangkap. Data dikumpulkan dari survei lapangan dan wawancara kepada informan. Enam puluhlimaorang penangkap burung dari empat desa terpilih dijadikan informan. Sembilan alat tangkap digunakan untuk menangkap burung. Dua puluh dua spesies burung target dan nontarget tertangkap dalam kondisi fisik yang tidak selalu normal dan tidak terseleksi menurut kelas umur dan jenis kelamin. Semua alat tangkap tidak ramah lingkungan
Indonesia is a habitat for around 17% of the world’s bird species. Birds have an essential role, suc...
Biodiversity of Indonesia is worldwide known. One of those is bird biodiversity. The native utilize ...
Bird isa vertebrate which hasfeataer, reproduce by of laying eggs and help pollination, pest predato...
Studi pemanfaatan jenis burung air di pantai utara Indramayu, Jawa Barat dilakukan pada bulan Agustu...
Burung yang aktifitas dan keberadaannya bergantung pada perairan dan lahan basah disebut sebagai bur...
White rumped shama are commonly traded and raised by people due the bird’s attractive voice (The Bes...
- Currently about 50% of birds known in the world are threatened with extinction because of declinin...
Background: Birds are part of biodiversity that must be preserved from extinction and decrease in sp...
Repong Damar is a management system in cultivated area by local community of Krui. It has great bio...
Dramaga Research Forest, located in the outskirt of Bogor, provides a good habitat for birds. This r...
Dramaga Research Forest, located in the outskirt of Bogor, provides a good habitat for birds. This r...
Mudflat in Bagan Percut plays important role for many activities of waterbirds, i.e. feeding ground,...
Bird is fauna that can be found from low land up to the upland. The widespread has made birds as pot...
Hutan Pendidikan Konservasi Terpadu Tahura WAR (HPKTTW) merupakan bentuk kerjasama Dinas Kehutanan P...
Kemampuan burung gosong sebagai satwa yang mampu menghasilkan telur dengan ukuran diatas rata-rata d...
Indonesia is a habitat for around 17% of the world’s bird species. Birds have an essential role, suc...
Biodiversity of Indonesia is worldwide known. One of those is bird biodiversity. The native utilize ...
Bird isa vertebrate which hasfeataer, reproduce by of laying eggs and help pollination, pest predato...
Studi pemanfaatan jenis burung air di pantai utara Indramayu, Jawa Barat dilakukan pada bulan Agustu...
Burung yang aktifitas dan keberadaannya bergantung pada perairan dan lahan basah disebut sebagai bur...
White rumped shama are commonly traded and raised by people due the bird’s attractive voice (The Bes...
- Currently about 50% of birds known in the world are threatened with extinction because of declinin...
Background: Birds are part of biodiversity that must be preserved from extinction and decrease in sp...
Repong Damar is a management system in cultivated area by local community of Krui. It has great bio...
Dramaga Research Forest, located in the outskirt of Bogor, provides a good habitat for birds. This r...
Dramaga Research Forest, located in the outskirt of Bogor, provides a good habitat for birds. This r...
Mudflat in Bagan Percut plays important role for many activities of waterbirds, i.e. feeding ground,...
Bird is fauna that can be found from low land up to the upland. The widespread has made birds as pot...
Hutan Pendidikan Konservasi Terpadu Tahura WAR (HPKTTW) merupakan bentuk kerjasama Dinas Kehutanan P...
Kemampuan burung gosong sebagai satwa yang mampu menghasilkan telur dengan ukuran diatas rata-rata d...
Indonesia is a habitat for around 17% of the world’s bird species. Birds have an essential role, suc...
Biodiversity of Indonesia is worldwide known. One of those is bird biodiversity. The native utilize ...
Bird isa vertebrate which hasfeataer, reproduce by of laying eggs and help pollination, pest predato...