Karakteristik Klinis Penderita Hipertiroid Di Daerah Endemik Dan Non Endemik Gaki

  • Kusrini, I. (Ina)
  • S, P. B. (Prihatin)
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Publication date
June 2010
National Institute of Health Research and Development, Indonesian Ministry of Health


Background: Iodine is the essential component for synthesis of tyroid. In the area of dificiency iodium the iodine intake was also obtained from high doses of iodine capsules and iodized salt. While in the area of non-iodine deficiency, iodine source may be more complex, considering a more varied diet and a lot of drugs containing iodine. The Wayne index used to estimate the suspect of hyperthyroidism but to get right diagnosis for hyperthyroidism are use laboratory examination. Positiv hyperthyroidsm if TSH in serum < 0,3 µlU/ml and FT4 > 2 nano gram/dl. Obyektives: The purpose of this paper is to view clinical characteristic in the nonendemik areas and endemic iodine deficiency disorder. Method: The method used is analitic research ...

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