In this modem era, human beings are facing various crisis or multidimensional problems. Material welfare following the development of Science and technology does not easily give them real happiness. They have been the victims of globalization. In such condition, the role of da'i as a “doctor” of the sick souls is really needed to recover the victims of globalization. Therapeutic da 'wa is an altemative solution of this serious problem. Da 'wa with this approach is developed on the basis of religion's function as a therapy. This function requires deep study of therapeutic aspects in Islamic teachings. This effort can be seen from esoteric dimension of Islam
The idea of Islamization of knowledge is motivated by the occurrence a crisis of modern humans tha...
Abstract: This article aims to elaborate Sufism thought of Amin Syukur. Hepositioned Sufismas one of...
Munculnya problema spiritual yang dialami manusia modern saat ini, bermula dari hilangnya visi keila...
Modernity with all the advances in science and technology has dominated human life and left problems...
This paper contains a spiritual crisis that is running rampant in modern times. Because modernizatio...
The movement which gives priority to modernity or the peoplewho thinks moderately have influenced th...
Humans need the help of others in solving their life problems. Life problems always develop, along w...
The modern era that continues to grow today, coming from the West supported by the advancement of sc...
This article exsplores humanities crisis in the modern era and it therapical methode in the Islam. T...
The emergence of various assemblies’ dhikr trying to provide solutions for the pilgrims who were exp...
Sains Barat Modern, yang menjadi komponen utama penyokong tumbuhnya modernitas, telah kehilangan ruj...
Therapeutic is a popular term among medical world that is oriented treatment or recovery process psy...
There is a statement that we are experiencing a crisis of leadership that led to the crisis of confi...
Masalah penyalahgunaan zat ditinjau secara persial, karena pada dasarnya merupakan masalah kehidupan...
Modernization is one manifestation of the causes of social change can lead to a very wide influence ...
The idea of Islamization of knowledge is motivated by the occurrence a crisis of modern humans tha...
Abstract: This article aims to elaborate Sufism thought of Amin Syukur. Hepositioned Sufismas one of...
Munculnya problema spiritual yang dialami manusia modern saat ini, bermula dari hilangnya visi keila...
Modernity with all the advances in science and technology has dominated human life and left problems...
This paper contains a spiritual crisis that is running rampant in modern times. Because modernizatio...
The movement which gives priority to modernity or the peoplewho thinks moderately have influenced th...
Humans need the help of others in solving their life problems. Life problems always develop, along w...
The modern era that continues to grow today, coming from the West supported by the advancement of sc...
This article exsplores humanities crisis in the modern era and it therapical methode in the Islam. T...
The emergence of various assemblies’ dhikr trying to provide solutions for the pilgrims who were exp...
Sains Barat Modern, yang menjadi komponen utama penyokong tumbuhnya modernitas, telah kehilangan ruj...
Therapeutic is a popular term among medical world that is oriented treatment or recovery process psy...
There is a statement that we are experiencing a crisis of leadership that led to the crisis of confi...
Masalah penyalahgunaan zat ditinjau secara persial, karena pada dasarnya merupakan masalah kehidupan...
Modernization is one manifestation of the causes of social change can lead to a very wide influence ...
The idea of Islamization of knowledge is motivated by the occurrence a crisis of modern humans tha...
Abstract: This article aims to elaborate Sufism thought of Amin Syukur. Hepositioned Sufismas one of...
Munculnya problema spiritual yang dialami manusia modern saat ini, bermula dari hilangnya visi keila...