Protein structure versus Nutrional and sensory properties of legume enriched pasta

  • Laleg, Karima
  • Barron, Cécile
  • Cordelle, Sylvie
  • Schlich, Pascal
  • Walrand, Stéphane
  • Micard, Valérie
Publication date
April 2017


Wheat pasta is a convenient starchy food presenting interesting low glycemic index as a result of its compact structure made of a gluten network entrapping starch granules. However, its protein content remains low (12-13%), its amino acid profile unbalanced and it is unsuitable for gluten-intolerant people. The aim of this study was to produce pasta enriched in protein and in lysine by incorporation of Faba flour (0-100%) and to evaluate the impact of such enrichment on pasta structure and nutritional properties

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