The results of the study showed that tax planning is done in this case saving on income tax paid by PT. Sang Hyang Seri (Persero) Kantor Regional III Malang has not been fully carried out optimally. This is because there are several components that should be used to save on taxes, but have not used fully by the company so that the amount of income tax payable is still quite large. Therefore, it is expected by the tax planning, tax savings can be more optimal for the tax planning, known PT. Sang Hyang Seri (Persero) Kantor Regional III Malang can obtain tax savings of IDR 849,265,934.25 in 2011, IDR 869,388,290.50 in 2012 and IDR 307.189.706,12 in 2013. PT. Sang Hyang Seri (Persero) Kantor Regional III Malang should have to keep abreast of t...
research is done with the aim to know how to apply the tax planning conducted by PT Bumi Sarana Beto...
Taxpayers will certainly try to minimize their tax payments. The tax planning undertaken must comply...
Pajak merupakan sumber utama penerimaan negara disamping penerimaan dari sumber migas dan non migas....
One mainstay of current Indonesian government revenue is tax revenue, especially income tax. For a c...
Pajak merupakan sumber utama penerimaan negara. Tanpa pajak, kegiatan negara sulit untuk dapat dilak...
Dues or taxes are incurred by mandatory contributions paid to the government to finance the State wi...
The purpose of this study is to describe how the implementation of the right tax planning to tax sav...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan penerapan tax planning yang tepat agar dapat mengefisiensik...
ABSTRACT This study aimed to analyze the outflow of savings as a result of optimization ofincome tax...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan penerapan tax planning yang tepat agar dapat mengefisiensik...
ABSTRAK Tujuan utama dari penelitian ini adalah untuk memberikan pemahaman secara mendalam mengenai ...
Taxpayers will certainly try to minimize their tax payments. The tax planning undertaken must comply...
Tax is a deduction of corporate income, therefore the company needs a way that can be used to stream...
As a source of tax state revenue is used to finance government expenditure,construct and improve inf...
Salah satu andalan penerimaan pemerintah Indonesia saat ini adalah penerimaan sektor perpajakan., P...
research is done with the aim to know how to apply the tax planning conducted by PT Bumi Sarana Beto...
Taxpayers will certainly try to minimize their tax payments. The tax planning undertaken must comply...
Pajak merupakan sumber utama penerimaan negara disamping penerimaan dari sumber migas dan non migas....
One mainstay of current Indonesian government revenue is tax revenue, especially income tax. For a c...
Pajak merupakan sumber utama penerimaan negara. Tanpa pajak, kegiatan negara sulit untuk dapat dilak...
Dues or taxes are incurred by mandatory contributions paid to the government to finance the State wi...
The purpose of this study is to describe how the implementation of the right tax planning to tax sav...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan penerapan tax planning yang tepat agar dapat mengefisiensik...
ABSTRACT This study aimed to analyze the outflow of savings as a result of optimization ofincome tax...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan penerapan tax planning yang tepat agar dapat mengefisiensik...
ABSTRAK Tujuan utama dari penelitian ini adalah untuk memberikan pemahaman secara mendalam mengenai ...
Taxpayers will certainly try to minimize their tax payments. The tax planning undertaken must comply...
Tax is a deduction of corporate income, therefore the company needs a way that can be used to stream...
As a source of tax state revenue is used to finance government expenditure,construct and improve inf...
Salah satu andalan penerimaan pemerintah Indonesia saat ini adalah penerimaan sektor perpajakan., P...
research is done with the aim to know how to apply the tax planning conducted by PT Bumi Sarana Beto...
Taxpayers will certainly try to minimize their tax payments. The tax planning undertaken must comply...
Pajak merupakan sumber utama penerimaan negara disamping penerimaan dari sumber migas dan non migas....