The purpose of this article is to survey significant literature on policy coordination and outline relevant problems and solutions for Latvia. In the rapidly changing environment organisations have to ensure not only smooth vertical coordination (hierarchical, principal – agent relationship) within organisation, but also enhance horizontal coordination (decentralised, network relationship) both within and between organisations. A recent body of literature has argued that none of these challenges are unfamiliar in the public administration
Internal security, civil protection and crisis management comprise an important, but challenging pol...
Involving several levels ranging from policy-making to service delivery, the coordination of regiona...
Promocijas darba mērķis ir izvērtēt un salīdzināt Igaunijas, Latvijas un Slovēnijas izpildvaras koor...
Key societal challenges are cross-sectoral and do not correspond to administrative structures. The p...
A policy coordination system is a complex network of agents, policies and institutions that are supp...
The goal of this paper is to analyse the current trends and future prospects of the crosssector and ...
The goal of this paper is to analyse the current trends and future prospects of the cross-sector and...
Coordination in public administration is one of the most important practical problems of public mana...
Budget is the most significant instrument of government policy. There are three key objectives of pu...
The paper explores the role of politicians and civil servants in the process of horizontal and verti...
Further development of state adminstration and local government reforms is connected with the use of...
The study aims to answer the research question What factors have promoted effective cooperation amon...
Cross-sectoral coordination in public policies — systemic challengesThe article presents the m...
Nozaru politikas tīklojuma perspektīva tika izmantota, empīriskā pētījumā analizējot organizāciju mi...
The formulation and implementation of public policy depends on the coordination capacities. In recen...
Internal security, civil protection and crisis management comprise an important, but challenging pol...
Involving several levels ranging from policy-making to service delivery, the coordination of regiona...
Promocijas darba mērķis ir izvērtēt un salīdzināt Igaunijas, Latvijas un Slovēnijas izpildvaras koor...
Key societal challenges are cross-sectoral and do not correspond to administrative structures. The p...
A policy coordination system is a complex network of agents, policies and institutions that are supp...
The goal of this paper is to analyse the current trends and future prospects of the crosssector and ...
The goal of this paper is to analyse the current trends and future prospects of the cross-sector and...
Coordination in public administration is one of the most important practical problems of public mana...
Budget is the most significant instrument of government policy. There are three key objectives of pu...
The paper explores the role of politicians and civil servants in the process of horizontal and verti...
Further development of state adminstration and local government reforms is connected with the use of...
The study aims to answer the research question What factors have promoted effective cooperation amon...
Cross-sectoral coordination in public policies — systemic challengesThe article presents the m...
Nozaru politikas tīklojuma perspektīva tika izmantota, empīriskā pētījumā analizējot organizāciju mi...
The formulation and implementation of public policy depends on the coordination capacities. In recen...
Internal security, civil protection and crisis management comprise an important, but challenging pol...
Involving several levels ranging from policy-making to service delivery, the coordination of regiona...
Promocijas darba mērķis ir izvērtēt un salīdzināt Igaunijas, Latvijas un Slovēnijas izpildvaras koor...