Sampai saat ini Indonesia belum berhasil melakukan kodifikasi dan unifikasi hukum waris nasional. Diantara faktor sulitnya melakukan pengkodifikasian hukum waris karena beragamnya sistem hukum yang mengatur persoalan keluarga, termasuk hukum waris, masyarakat Indonesia. Studi ini mengkaji bagaimana pelaksanaan hukum waris masyarakat Karo Muslim Sumatera Utara. Studi ini menitikberatkan pada model pembagian harta waris kepada anak perempuan dan janda. Artikel ini menyimpulkan bahwa masyarakat Karo Muslim masih menggunakan hukum adat dalam menyelesaikan hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan sengketa waris. Hukum adat yang dipakai adalah hukum adat yang mengalami dinamisasi atau pergeseran. Hal ini terjadi tanpa menimbulkan ketegangan apalagi ...
This paper explains about the application of inheritance law in Indonesia which is strongly influenc...
Minangkabau Customary Inheritance Law, that heirlooms in customary provisions are passed on to mater...
The basic concept of inheritance law in Indonesia something grounded and must be understood by all t...
Implementation of Inheritance Law of the Muslim Karo in North Sumatra. So far, Indonesia has not man...
Sampai saat ini Indonesia belum bcrhasil melakukan kodifikasi dan unifikasi hukum waris nasional. D...
Implementation of Inheritance Law of the Muslim Karo in North Sumatra. So far, Indonesia has not man...
Abstrak Pada tiga sistem hukum kewarisan tersebut, kedudukan perempuan maupun hak-haknya sebagai ahl...
Abstrak Pada tiga sistem hukum kewarisan tersebut, kedudukan perempuan maupun hak-haknya sebagai ahl...
Sampai saat ini di Negara yang mayoritas berpenduduk muslim di Indonesia belum berhasil melakukan ko...
This paper explains about the application of inheritance law in Indonesia which is strongly influenc...
This paper explains about the application of inheritance law in Indonesia which is strongly influenc...
Inheritance law is one part of the civil law as a wholeand is the smallest part of family law. Inher...
Inheritance law is one part of the civil law as a wholeand is the smallest part of family law. Inher...
Inheritance law is one part of the civil law as a whole and is the smallest part of family law. Inhe...
This paper explains about the application of inheritance law in Indonesia which is strongly influenc...
This paper explains about the application of inheritance law in Indonesia which is strongly influenc...
Minangkabau Customary Inheritance Law, that heirlooms in customary provisions are passed on to mater...
The basic concept of inheritance law in Indonesia something grounded and must be understood by all t...
Implementation of Inheritance Law of the Muslim Karo in North Sumatra. So far, Indonesia has not man...
Sampai saat ini Indonesia belum bcrhasil melakukan kodifikasi dan unifikasi hukum waris nasional. D...
Implementation of Inheritance Law of the Muslim Karo in North Sumatra. So far, Indonesia has not man...
Abstrak Pada tiga sistem hukum kewarisan tersebut, kedudukan perempuan maupun hak-haknya sebagai ahl...
Abstrak Pada tiga sistem hukum kewarisan tersebut, kedudukan perempuan maupun hak-haknya sebagai ahl...
Sampai saat ini di Negara yang mayoritas berpenduduk muslim di Indonesia belum berhasil melakukan ko...
This paper explains about the application of inheritance law in Indonesia which is strongly influenc...
This paper explains about the application of inheritance law in Indonesia which is strongly influenc...
Inheritance law is one part of the civil law as a wholeand is the smallest part of family law. Inher...
Inheritance law is one part of the civil law as a wholeand is the smallest part of family law. Inher...
Inheritance law is one part of the civil law as a whole and is the smallest part of family law. Inhe...
This paper explains about the application of inheritance law in Indonesia which is strongly influenc...
This paper explains about the application of inheritance law in Indonesia which is strongly influenc...
Minangkabau Customary Inheritance Law, that heirlooms in customary provisions are passed on to mater...
The basic concept of inheritance law in Indonesia something grounded and must be understood by all t...