Country= France Common names= Grape hyacinth, Musk hyacinth, Nutmeg hyacinth, Starch hyacinth
Country= Tunisia Common names= Australian spinach, Nettle-leaved goosefoot, Sow bane
Country= Egypt Comments= Latijnse naam vermeld. Common names= Blood berry, Pigeon berry, Rougeplant
Country= France Comments= Ex Nationaal Herbarium Nederland (Leiden branch). Common names= Creeping s...
Country= France Common names= European hackberry, European nettle tree, Honey berry, Lote tree, Medi...
Country= France Common names= Cyprus turpentine, Persian turpentine, Terebinth, Turpentine tree
Country= France Comments= Zie etiket Common names= Purple African nightshade, White edge nightshade,...
Country= France Common names= Oleaster, Russian olive, Silver berry, Trebizond date
Country= Germany Comments= Korte haren (klopt dat?) Common names= Lilac hibiscus
Country= France Comments= Ex Nationaal Herbarium Nederland (Leiden branch). Common names= Angels's t...
Country= China Comments= Det. op genus niveau door G. Katzer.; det. op soortniveau: RC Common names=...
Country= The Netherlands Common names= Belgium endive, Chicory, Coffee chicory, French endive, Radic...
Country= ? Comments= Ketting met gekleurde glaskralen; coll. RC. Common names= Bead tree, China berr...
Country= France Comments= Opgegeven als: Quercus lanuginosa ? Common names= Downy oak
Country= China Comments= Chinese Materia Medica Common names= Burning bush, Mexican firebrush, Mexic...
Country= Maroc Comments= Arabische naam aanwezig; aanvankelijk gedet. als Apium graveolens. Common n...
Country= Tunisia Common names= Australian spinach, Nettle-leaved goosefoot, Sow bane
Country= Egypt Comments= Latijnse naam vermeld. Common names= Blood berry, Pigeon berry, Rougeplant
Country= France Comments= Ex Nationaal Herbarium Nederland (Leiden branch). Common names= Creeping s...
Country= France Common names= European hackberry, European nettle tree, Honey berry, Lote tree, Medi...
Country= France Common names= Cyprus turpentine, Persian turpentine, Terebinth, Turpentine tree
Country= France Comments= Zie etiket Common names= Purple African nightshade, White edge nightshade,...
Country= France Common names= Oleaster, Russian olive, Silver berry, Trebizond date
Country= Germany Comments= Korte haren (klopt dat?) Common names= Lilac hibiscus
Country= France Comments= Ex Nationaal Herbarium Nederland (Leiden branch). Common names= Angels's t...
Country= China Comments= Det. op genus niveau door G. Katzer.; det. op soortniveau: RC Common names=...
Country= The Netherlands Common names= Belgium endive, Chicory, Coffee chicory, French endive, Radic...
Country= ? Comments= Ketting met gekleurde glaskralen; coll. RC. Common names= Bead tree, China berr...
Country= France Comments= Opgegeven als: Quercus lanuginosa ? Common names= Downy oak
Country= China Comments= Chinese Materia Medica Common names= Burning bush, Mexican firebrush, Mexic...
Country= Maroc Comments= Arabische naam aanwezig; aanvankelijk gedet. als Apium graveolens. Common n...
Country= Tunisia Common names= Australian spinach, Nettle-leaved goosefoot, Sow bane
Country= Egypt Comments= Latijnse naam vermeld. Common names= Blood berry, Pigeon berry, Rougeplant
Country= France Comments= Ex Nationaal Herbarium Nederland (Leiden branch). Common names= Creeping s...