Country= Germany Comments= Bloeiend Common names= Blue grama, Blue grama grass, Eyelash grass, Lovington blue grama
Country= Mali Comments= Appte. Common names= Golden timothy grass, Kazungula grass, Maranga grass
Country= The Netherlands Comments= Verruigd rietland nabij boerderij 'It Fryske Gea' Common names= B...
Country= Germany Comments= Tak met bruchten. Common names= Arabian cotton, Cotton, Indian cotton pla...
Country= Germany Comments= Fa. Jelitto Common names= Bog arum, Water arum, Wild calla lily
Country= Germany Comments= Korte haren (klopt dat?) Common names= Lilac hibiscus
Country= Germany Common names= Blue fan palm, Blue hesper palm, Gray goddess, Mexican blue palm
Country= Germany Comments= Ex Nationaal Herbarium Nederland (Leiden branch) (nr = ?) Common names= J...
Country= The Netherlands Common names= Pigeon grass, Yellow bristle grass, Yellow foxtail
Country= Germany Comments= Zentralinst. Gen Kulturpflfrsch Common names= Chickling vetch, Dwarf chic...
Country= Portugal Common names= Blue stern grass, Common thatching grass, Coolatai grass, Tambookie ...
Bouteloua gracilis (Kunth) Lagasca ex Griffithsblue grama;eyelash grass;graceful grama grass;mosquit...
Country= Germany Comments= Nordschwartzwald; ex hortus Wageningen (40005/82BG06509). Common names= S...
Country= Germany Common names= Bloom-of-the-lent, Christmas bloom, Good night, Paraguay jasmine, Veg...
Country= France Comments= Ex Nationaal Herbarium Nederland (Leiden branch). Common names= Creeping s...
Country= The Netherlands Comments= Langs maisakker op zand met enkele exemplaren van Echinochloa cru...
Country= Mali Comments= Appte. Common names= Golden timothy grass, Kazungula grass, Maranga grass
Country= The Netherlands Comments= Verruigd rietland nabij boerderij 'It Fryske Gea' Common names= B...
Country= Germany Comments= Tak met bruchten. Common names= Arabian cotton, Cotton, Indian cotton pla...
Country= Germany Comments= Fa. Jelitto Common names= Bog arum, Water arum, Wild calla lily
Country= Germany Comments= Korte haren (klopt dat?) Common names= Lilac hibiscus
Country= Germany Common names= Blue fan palm, Blue hesper palm, Gray goddess, Mexican blue palm
Country= Germany Comments= Ex Nationaal Herbarium Nederland (Leiden branch) (nr = ?) Common names= J...
Country= The Netherlands Common names= Pigeon grass, Yellow bristle grass, Yellow foxtail
Country= Germany Comments= Zentralinst. Gen Kulturpflfrsch Common names= Chickling vetch, Dwarf chic...
Country= Portugal Common names= Blue stern grass, Common thatching grass, Coolatai grass, Tambookie ...
Bouteloua gracilis (Kunth) Lagasca ex Griffithsblue grama;eyelash grass;graceful grama grass;mosquit...
Country= Germany Comments= Nordschwartzwald; ex hortus Wageningen (40005/82BG06509). Common names= S...
Country= Germany Common names= Bloom-of-the-lent, Christmas bloom, Good night, Paraguay jasmine, Veg...
Country= France Comments= Ex Nationaal Herbarium Nederland (Leiden branch). Common names= Creeping s...
Country= The Netherlands Comments= Langs maisakker op zand met enkele exemplaren van Echinochloa cru...
Country= Mali Comments= Appte. Common names= Golden timothy grass, Kazungula grass, Maranga grass
Country= The Netherlands Comments= Verruigd rietland nabij boerderij 'It Fryske Gea' Common names= B...
Country= Germany Comments= Tak met bruchten. Common names= Arabian cotton, Cotton, Indian cotton pla...