Country= Sicily Comments= Valli di Templi Common names= Albardine, Feather grass, Grass hemp
Country= France Comments= Ex Botanical Garden of the University of LiŠge (86/2490) Common names= Bul...
Country= Tunisia Common names= Australian spinach, Nettle-leaved goosefoot, Sow bane
Lolium multiflorum Lamarckannual ryegrass;Italian ryegrassivraie multiflore;ray-grass d'Italie;ray-g...
Country= Argentinia Comments= Ex Nationaal Herbarium Nederland (Leiden branch) Common names= Fat duc...
Country= Italy Common names= Dyer's chamomile, Golden maguerite, Yellow chamomile
Country= Gran Canaria Comments= Ex Univ. Hamburg Common names= Mediterranean love grass, Pitted love...
Country= Egypt Comments= In maisakker. Common names= Coast button grass, Comb fringe grass, Crowfoot...
Country= Tunisia Comments= Det.: T. Zouari Common names= Cyprus vetch, Ochrus vetch, Sprika
Country= Egypt Comments= Barsim (transcriptie en det. Boulos) Common names= Berseem, Berseem clover,...
Country= Italy Common names= Camphor inula, Cape khaki weed, Stink weed, Stink wort
Country= Italy Comments= 2 vruchten Common names= Nepal camphor tree, Nepal sassafras
Country= Tunisia Comments= Circular harbour Common names= Baroga weed, Caterpillar weed, European he...
Country= Turkey Comments= In wild verzameld Common names= Sicilian sumac, Sumac, Tanner's sumac
Country= Cyprus Comments= Grassland in Strandnahe; Universitat Hamburg Common names= False caper, Ge...
Country= Turkey Comments= Droge, beboste helling Common names= Bush clover, Cluster clover
Country= France Comments= Ex Botanical Garden of the University of LiŠge (86/2490) Common names= Bul...
Country= Tunisia Common names= Australian spinach, Nettle-leaved goosefoot, Sow bane
Lolium multiflorum Lamarckannual ryegrass;Italian ryegrassivraie multiflore;ray-grass d'Italie;ray-g...
Country= Argentinia Comments= Ex Nationaal Herbarium Nederland (Leiden branch) Common names= Fat duc...
Country= Italy Common names= Dyer's chamomile, Golden maguerite, Yellow chamomile
Country= Gran Canaria Comments= Ex Univ. Hamburg Common names= Mediterranean love grass, Pitted love...
Country= Egypt Comments= In maisakker. Common names= Coast button grass, Comb fringe grass, Crowfoot...
Country= Tunisia Comments= Det.: T. Zouari Common names= Cyprus vetch, Ochrus vetch, Sprika
Country= Egypt Comments= Barsim (transcriptie en det. Boulos) Common names= Berseem, Berseem clover,...
Country= Italy Common names= Camphor inula, Cape khaki weed, Stink weed, Stink wort
Country= Italy Comments= 2 vruchten Common names= Nepal camphor tree, Nepal sassafras
Country= Tunisia Comments= Circular harbour Common names= Baroga weed, Caterpillar weed, European he...
Country= Turkey Comments= In wild verzameld Common names= Sicilian sumac, Sumac, Tanner's sumac
Country= Cyprus Comments= Grassland in Strandnahe; Universitat Hamburg Common names= False caper, Ge...
Country= Turkey Comments= Droge, beboste helling Common names= Bush clover, Cluster clover
Country= France Comments= Ex Botanical Garden of the University of LiŠge (86/2490) Common names= Bul...
Country= Tunisia Common names= Australian spinach, Nettle-leaved goosefoot, Sow bane
Lolium multiflorum Lamarckannual ryegrass;Italian ryegrassivraie multiflore;ray-grass d'Italie;ray-g...