Comments= Uit tableau grijze bakken BAI (2x) Common names= Foxtail bristle grass, Foxtail millet, German millet, Hungarian millet, Italian millet, Siberian millet
Comments= Ex Cultuurtuin voor Technische Gewassen (Delft; nr. 457) Common names= Bitter lettuce, Hem...
Comments= Ex collectie Beyerinck (Nationaal Herbarium Nederland (Leiden branch)) Common names= Pilew...
Family name (scientific): Poaceae Scientific name: Setaria italica Authors names: (L.) P. Beauv.
Comments= Cruydthoeck Common names= Common stitchwort, Grass leaf starwort, Grass leaf stitchwort
Country= Mali Comments= 3 complete aren; wordt 1e jaar ingezaaid (vgl. GIA-200706884). Common names=...
Country= The Netherlands Comments= Langs maisakker op zand met enkele exemplaren van Echinochloa cru...
Comments= Paspalum scorbiculatum Lam.; oogst 1979 Common names= Creeping paspalum, Ditch millet, Ind...
Comments= IPW (T. araraticum); Herdet. RC; geen rijpe graankorrels Common names= Persian black wheat...
Scientific name: Setaria italicaPlant name: foxtail milletJP No.: JP275375Collection date: 2020/2/14...
Comments= Aangeleverd als Erythina caffra; herdet. RC (check met VC!). Common names= Cow itch, Cowha...
Scientific name: Setaria italicaPlant name: foxtail milletJP No.: JP275316Collection date: 2020/2/12...
Comments= Ex Nationaal Herbarium Nederland (Leiden branch) Common names= Small crab grass, Smooth cr...
Scientific name: Setaria italicaPlant name: foxtail milletJP No.: JP275380Collection date: 2020/2/14...
Comments= Bij graf van Van Ekelenburg; Arnhem of omgeving (navragen bij W.P.R.A. Cappers) Common nam...
Comments= Ex Nationaal Herbarium Nederland (Leiden branch) (422-106) Common names= Fowl bluegrass, S...
Comments= Ex Cultuurtuin voor Technische Gewassen (Delft; nr. 457) Common names= Bitter lettuce, Hem...
Comments= Ex collectie Beyerinck (Nationaal Herbarium Nederland (Leiden branch)) Common names= Pilew...
Family name (scientific): Poaceae Scientific name: Setaria italica Authors names: (L.) P. Beauv.
Comments= Cruydthoeck Common names= Common stitchwort, Grass leaf starwort, Grass leaf stitchwort
Country= Mali Comments= 3 complete aren; wordt 1e jaar ingezaaid (vgl. GIA-200706884). Common names=...
Country= The Netherlands Comments= Langs maisakker op zand met enkele exemplaren van Echinochloa cru...
Comments= Paspalum scorbiculatum Lam.; oogst 1979 Common names= Creeping paspalum, Ditch millet, Ind...
Comments= IPW (T. araraticum); Herdet. RC; geen rijpe graankorrels Common names= Persian black wheat...
Scientific name: Setaria italicaPlant name: foxtail milletJP No.: JP275375Collection date: 2020/2/14...
Comments= Aangeleverd als Erythina caffra; herdet. RC (check met VC!). Common names= Cow itch, Cowha...
Scientific name: Setaria italicaPlant name: foxtail milletJP No.: JP275316Collection date: 2020/2/12...
Comments= Ex Nationaal Herbarium Nederland (Leiden branch) Common names= Small crab grass, Smooth cr...
Scientific name: Setaria italicaPlant name: foxtail milletJP No.: JP275380Collection date: 2020/2/14...
Comments= Bij graf van Van Ekelenburg; Arnhem of omgeving (navragen bij W.P.R.A. Cappers) Common nam...
Comments= Ex Nationaal Herbarium Nederland (Leiden branch) (422-106) Common names= Fowl bluegrass, S...
Comments= Ex Cultuurtuin voor Technische Gewassen (Delft; nr. 457) Common names= Bitter lettuce, Hem...
Comments= Ex collectie Beyerinck (Nationaal Herbarium Nederland (Leiden branch)) Common names= Pilew...
Family name (scientific): Poaceae Scientific name: Setaria italica Authors names: (L.) P. Beauv.