ticklace nAtlantic Black-legged Kittiwake. _Rissa tridactyla tridactyla_ (Linnaeus). Local names: Tickle-lace, Tickle-ace, Tickle-ass, Lady-bird, Lady. p. 240. Kittiwakes fly easily and buoyantly, with rather rapid wing beats. They swim gracefully upon the ocean. [They] con- stantly wheel and stoop to the water for small fish, picking these up from the surface without wetting their feathers.PRINTED ITEM DNE-citGMS Nov 76Used I and SupUsed IUsed Itickalass, tickelace, tickelelse, tick-i-lace, ticklas, tickleace, tickle-ass, tickle-lace, titlas, ticklas, tickless, [see 'tickalass', etc.]only first part of quot is in online DN