ticklace nReeks is so definite in print, he is hard to rebut. If his fishermen said the plural, ticklers, and he wanted to write of the singular, then this form appears. He says the kittiwakes [to every other writer=ticklace] were larger than another gull he was identifying at a distance. Whatever the unknown gull, the men called it tickler, in Reek's form for the singular. Too close to _ticklace_. etc. to include among a range of small gulls. Don't know if he uses _R_ in his speech or not. Nationality not known.DEC 16 1980Used I and SupUsed INot usedtickalass, tickelace, tickelelse, tick-i-lace, ticklas, tickleace, tickle-ass, tickle-lace, titlas, ticklas, tickles