ram's horn nfor _pew_ Nfld. _pue, pew_ "one-time fish 'fork' " OVER of. Jer Fr. _pilot_ s.m. 1. Pig's foot 2. End of the handle of a Jersey spede or garden fork of English _haft_ of verb _piotes_ v. to move the foot continually (said of a cow that "pewes" the earth) What is the source of French _le piolet_ 'ice-axe' of _la pioche_ 'pickaxe, mattock' [reverse] Spence , p. 90 [pjo] sm. plus = [pjou] 1. pig's trotter of . Fr. la b�che 'spade' 2. [pjo d �n beik] haft of spadeP.T.O -> OVER ->Used IUsed INot usedReverse of card at R_13301 This belongs to a series of cards, numbered R_3294 to R_13303