rig nHH. Were children ever scared by the Mummers? N. Oh yes! Some would be; some children (would) be frightened (SQUARE ??) [of] Mummers [PT] , you know. Some people couldn't let them in because the children were so much afraid o' them. YEAH, them times,you know, (YES ??). They'd have on queer _rigs,_too, queer faces. HH. What were some. . .can you. . .do you remember any of the queer rigs,or the. . .? N. Oh there're all kinds. . .some of them (would) be so big as a barrell. WHERE THEY HAD cushions and stuff put around 'em,you know,an' rounded out,an' (BUILT??) .Yes. Yeah. Aha! They used to have good times! (...