patrick n131- . . .indeed, for three years successively upon the close of the fishery for the season, or rather upon the return of the _Paddies_* into port, an annual fire was as regularly looked for as the comming of the frost..... 135-. . . the poor (particularly the _Paddies_) were delighted beyond measure at the prospect of plunder... and the favourable opportunity... to retaliate past favours upon their employers. * An endearing appellation by which the fishermen in this country are designated, the majority of whom are Irish. (over) [Reverse] Farewell to the '49th Act; The Sessions, and Surrogate Court:' Adieu to the judges-- in fact, God help the poor _ Paddies_ in port!W KIRWIN 3/80 JH 3/80PRINTED ITEMUsed I an...