patrickMrs. Ruth Eaton aged 39, of 1 Exter Avenue, St. John's, asked me if I'd heard of Sheilah's brush and before I could answer , said "That's the storm that comes just before or after St. Patrick's Day, and the other one is _Paddy's Broom_, but Paddy's Broom comes after Sheilah's Brush". I confessed I had never heard of Paddy's Broom and Mrs Eaton said she had often heard her mother, Mrs. Stella Fraser, aged 69, mention it.DesignatingMAR 24 1966DNE-citUsed IUsed I3Not usedpaddy, st patrick,patrick's day, ~ night,patrick's pot,patrick's batch,broom, ~ brush,~ snap,NID,Paddies ,BATCH, BRUSHNEWFOUNDLAND FOLKLORE SURVE